Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Methods and practice of teaching studies of society and environment

Ms E Tudball and Mrs Jennifer Brown

12 points + 3 hours per week + Full-year subject + Clayton + Prerequisites: Students should have a major or two minor studies in sociological subjects, or politics, geography, and history

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should understand the range of methodologies and resources appropriate for teaching studies of society and environment in secondary schools; have developed strategies for the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, active citizenship understandings, global and Asian perspectives in the curriculum; used inquiry methodology and plan effective lessons which enhance students' skills in research, critical and creative thinking, and communication; encouraged school learners to respect social justice and democratic principles and realised that their own values may not be universally shared. Students should be able to develop suitable methodology for the teaching of VCE social education studies.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with examining ways in which teachers may contribute to the social education of children either within discipline-based courses such as politics and sociology, or through integrated approaches such as Australian studies, social education, and studies of society and the environment. Curriculum guidelines for social education will be considered and workshops will attempt to explore how the systematic study of society can be made meaningful to the wide range of ability groupings in schools. Special emphasis will be placed on developing skills in a range of effective teaching and learning strategies, lesson planning and preparation, construction of units and courses of study, evaluation, assessment and reporting. Students with prerequisites other than those stated may seek the approval of the lecturer-in-charge.

Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in practice teaching and 80% attendance at all timetabled classes + A satisfactory level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks Satisfactory completion of lesson plan, resources assignment and unit of work: 50% + Satisfactory completion of practicum: 50%

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