Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Practicum studies 2

Mr R T White

6 points + One hour of classes per week plus practicum of 1 to 2 days per week in primary schools + Second semester + Peninsula + Prerequisite: EDN3105

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to confidently and competently plan and teach an extended classroom curriculum unit of work; plan and undertake appropriate measurement and evaluation strategies designed to determine the extent of children's pre- and post-instructional understanding; organise children according to achievement levels, and plan for group work where appropriate; effectively manage multi-groups working concurrently in a learning environment.

Synopsis This program is an extension of EDN5095 (Practicum studies 1) undertaken in first semester and aims to provide students with the further opportunity of engaging in extended experiences in a classroom relating to their major academic strand and practicum experiences. Examples of appropriate experience include units of instruction in specific primary curriculum areas (computers, music, physical education), assisting children with special needs (both high and low achievers), working in specialised areas within the school (libraries, after-school programs and so on).

Assessment This subject will be graded PGO (no higher grade available in the subject), or NN (fail). Assessment will take three forms - Initial written report: 20% + Teaching skills evaluation: 50% + Final written report: 30%

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