Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Social education: cultural studies A

Ms J Edwards

6 points + 3 hours per week + First semester + Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understanding about the way in which culture is shaped by the physical environment from which it emanated; way in which social, political, economic and physical events have helped shape culture; way in which imported cultures have been changed with transportation to Australia; complexity and diversity of the various cultural groups represented within the Australian society; contemporary multicultural issues and concerns, with a focus on the initiatives developed by people from different cultural backgrounds and by governments to address them; appropriate teaching strategies and support resources, both human and material available for the teaching of cultural studies; cultural influences on learning and implications for teaching. Students should have acquired the skills of developing, delivering and evaluating appropriate multicultural teaching programs, resources and strategies; utilising available multicultural teaching resources, using appropriate teaching strategies and terminology; presenting teaching activities in a sensitive manner that demonstrate the contributions and experiences of people from various cultural backgrounds; teaching children from various cultural backgrounds effectively. Students should have engaged in learning experiences which should enable them to value the cultural heritage of the various ethnic communities and their historic and continuing contribution to Australian society; develop a cultural empathy and commitment to the teaching of multicultural studies and perspectives; develop confidence in their ability to develop, teach and evaluate multicultural programs.

Synopsis This subject provides students with crosscultural knowledge which will allow them to develop curriculums for multicultural studies in prep to year 10 social education. Emphasis will be placed on the way in which culture is shaped by the physical environment from which it emanated; how physical events have helped shaped culture; and how imported cultures have been changed with transportation to Australia. Contemporary cultures in source countries will be compared with current cultural patterns in Australia.

Assessment Research paper: 40% + Seminar presentation: 20% + Assignment: 40%

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