Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Studies of society and environment 2

Ms J Edwards

4 points + 2 hours per week + First semester + Peninsula + Prerequisites: EDN1445

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have gained knowledge and understandings about the most recent developments in social education, in particular, the National Curriculum and the new State Curriculum and Standards Framework series and demonstrated their understandings through presentations and discussions in seminars; various interrelated elements that are involved in planning social education units of work for the primary school: setting objectives, selecting content, skills and values teaching, selecting teaching methods, classroom organisation, evaluation techniques; curriculum development and implementation issues; `Frameworks', curriculum models, scope and sequence, concept mapping, focus and contributing questions; essential social education content for Australian primary schools. Students should have developed skills be able to demonstrate their understanding of social education curriculum by developing a teaching unit for a primary school grade; present details of their unit plan in seminars; research and present details of recent developments in social education in Australia in seminars. Students should have developed attitudes that will enable them to appreciate collaborative decision making when designing primary social education programs; develop confidence in their ability to design, teach and evaluate primary social education programs; appreciate the benefits and the drawbacks of school-based curriculum development.

Synopsis This subject builds upon the principles and methods introduced in EDN1445 and extends their application to knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and appropriate action to senior primary grades studying society. Emphasis will be placed on designing social studies units of work which incorporate key concepts, advanced inquiry skills, values and a multicultural perspective. Special attention will be paid to the inclusion of Aboriginal studies in school curriculums.

Assessment Written: 40% + Examinations: 60%

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