Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Computer studies 2

Mr G Romeo

4 points + 3 hours per week + Second semester + Peninsula + Prerequisites: EDN1265

Objectives Upon successful completion of the subject, students should have developed knowledge and understanding of the nature of computer programming, the program design and development processes and skill in implementing programmed computational solutions to posed problems.

Synopsis Students are introduced to computer programming: the nature of programming; solving problems computationally; the program development process; algorithm development; flow charts; pseudo code. Programs and data. Structured programming; modular programming; top-down programming. Variables; constants; language elements; syntax diagrams. Program elements: iteration; branching; selection. Graphics programming. Overflow and underflow.

Assessment Practical exercises (3500 words): 35% + Examination: 65%

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