Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Software quality management

S Tucker

4 points + 3 hours per week + First semester + Caulfield + Prerequisites: SFT2201 + Prohibitions: CFR3042, CSC2050, GCO3811, SFT3041

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the role of software quality assurance and software metrics in the development of software; be able to develop a quality assurance plan to recognised standards, specific to organisational goals, and implement the plan incorporating software metrics where appropriate; and be able to control the verification and validation of a software product throughout its life cycle, using relevant tools and techniques.

Synopsis The role of software metrics in software engineering and its impact on project management. The establishment of a workable software project plan using resource and effort estimation techniques, risk analysis, and software build/acquire/re-engineer decision making. Software quality and software quality assurance including software inspections and formal technical reviews, software quality metrics, software reliability, role of the software quality assurance team, the quality assurance plan, and quality assurance standards including IS09000/AS39000. Verification and validation and their relationship with quality assurance. Software testing including the test plan, testing techniques, testing strategies, debugging and hypothesis testing. The process maturity model including process maturity levels, the benefits of process maturity, process maturity and metrics. Performance. Clean room methodology.

Assessment Assignments: 50% + Examination: 50%

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