Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Software engineering

J Miller

6 points + 4 hours per week + First, second semester + Caulfield + Prerequisites: SFT2110, SFT2121 + Prohibitions: CFR2128, CFR3042, CFR3404, CSC2050, GCO3811, RDT2231, SFT2201, SFT3308, SFT3309, SFT3310

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should be able to evaluate and use CASE products currently available in the market place; recognise the role of quality management and software metrics in the software development environment and be able to design and implement a quality plan; and appreciate the role of software engineering in the creation and maintenance of computer systems.

Synopsis General introduction to software engineering, including the history of software development, the need for better methods and tools, and a comparison of software projects to highlight differences in complexity, precision and scale. Elements that comprise an integrated software development environment, and their interaction. Project development features, including quality assurance; project documentation; software metrics; configuration management. Current and future developments in software. Reuse and rejuvenation including reverse engineering; re-engineering; restructuring of code. The future of software engineering, including current research and possible productivity improvements.

Assessment Examinations: 50% + Practical work: 50%

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