Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Commercial programming in COBOL

J Sheard

4 points + 3 hours per week + Second semester + Caulfield + Prerequisites: SFT1102 + Prohibitions: BUS1042, BUS3522, CFR1122, CFR2110, CSC3151, SFT1122, SFT2110

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should know about and have basic mastery of the COBOL 85 programming languages; understand the principles of batch and interactive program design and development; and understand and be able to implement common commercial processing algorithms.

Synopsis This subject introduces students to the commercial programming language, COBOL 85. The basic syntax of the COBOL 85 language is covered. The design, testing and implementation in COBOL 85 of batch and interactive commercial algorithms are considered in detail. The use of sequential, indexed and relative files is explored. The implementation of data structures is discussed. Information hiding in COBOL 85 is considered.

Assessment Examination and unit tests: 60% + Assignment: 40%

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