Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Computer networks

J Breen

4 points + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: CSC3182 or RDT3662

Objectives At the completion of the subject students should understand, in detail, the standard protocols developed for layers 1 to 4 of the ISO OSI model; understand, in detail, an alternative protocol stack for layers 1 to 4; have a broad understanding of the issues associated with layers 5 and 6, and CASE; be aware of the major communications applications and the features and limitations of each; appreciate the use of a layered model for describing communications functions and be familiar with the architectural features of ISO 7-layer model, including addressing and internetworking.

Synopsis This subject, a continuation of RDT3662, builds on earlier study of underlying data communications technology, and addresses standards for open systems interconnection, alternative mechanisms for lower-layer data communications such as TCP/IP, and communications applications software. The syllabus covers the following topics. The ISO standards for open-systems interconnection: the concept of a layered communications model, the ISO reference model, introduction to layers 5 and 6 and CASE (ASCE, ROSE, reliable transfer elements). Overview of transport-layer function and protocols. Interconnection strategies with OSI, the IONL document, ISO IP. Internet protocols (TCP/IP): network layer (IP, ICMP), transport layer (TCP and UDP), gateway and routing protocols (ARP, RARP, GGP, EGP, RIP). Communications applications: Internet (TCP/UDP) applications (eg Telnet, FTP, NFS), OSI applications (eg FTAM, X.400).

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% + Written assignments (2 at 25% each): 50%

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