Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Real-time system design

J Robinson

4 points + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: RDT2210, RDT2220, MAT2441, MAT2452 and either RDT2131, RDT2141, RDT2231, RDT2241 or CSC2010, CSC2020, CSC2040, CSC2050

Objectives At the completion of the subject students should be able to design and implement software in simple real-time systems; undertake formal specification of real-time systems; and construct queuing models of simple (M/G/1) real-time systems.

Synopsis This subject addresses the important issue of software structures and design methodologies associated with real-time systems, ie systems that must react in a timely fashion to external stimuli, the sequencing of which is outside the control of the system. The subject is designed to provide an understanding of real-time applications, an understanding of the principles, design and specification of real-time systems, an introduction to modelling real-time applications, and a set of design, formal specification, modelling and implementation tools and techniques appropriate to real-time systems. The syllabus covers applications of real-time systems, problems of implementation, principles of real-time programming, queueing theory, task and process scheduling, time constraints, synchronisation, interprocess communications, design methodologies, reliability and fault tolerance, distributed systems, and performance measurement of real-time systems.

Assessment Examination (2 hours, closed book): 50% + Three programming assignments (2x10% and 1x25%): 45% + One written assignment: 5%

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