Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Computer architecture

C Greif

4 points + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisite: RDT2110 + Prohibitions: CSC2010

Objectives At the completion of the subject students should understand the function and interaction of components within a computer processor; be able to analyse the operation of a processor and its components; and be able to carry out basic design and configuration of a computer system.

Synopsis In this subject, a continuation of the study of the internal organization of computers begun in RDT1210, students explore the more complex and advanced aspects of computer and processor componentry and organisation, and develop skills in design, configuration and troubleshooting. The syllabus covers the following topics. Computer systems organisation: CPU overview, memory and I/O. Digital logic level: memory, microprocessor chips and buses, example microprocessors, example buses, interfacing. Microprogramming level: microarchitecture, example microarchitecture and microprogramming, design and examples. Conventional machine level: examples, instructions and addressing, instruction types and flow of control. Operational system machine level: virtual memory and virtual I/O, virtual instructions and example O/S.

Assessment Practical: 30% + Assignment: 10% + Examination: 50% + Test: 10%

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