Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Software development I

J Robinson

6 points + Two 1-hour lectures, one 2-hour practical laboratory and one 1-hour tutorial per week + First semester + Clayton + Prohibitions: BUS1010, BUS1042, BUS1060, CFR1111, CFR1403, CSC1011, CSC1021, CSC1062, GCO1811, SFT1101, SFT1111, SFT2110

Objectives At the completion of the subject students should have a working knowledge of the key elements of the C++ programming language; be able to design, develop and test simple programs in C++; and be able to solve basic problems though the development of appropriate algorithms.

Synopsis In this subject students are introduced to the concepts and techniques of problem solving and high-level programming with computers. The course covers the basic principles of software development using the C++ programming language. Topics include an overview of computer systems and systems software, algorithms, program design, documentation, procedure and data-oriented modularisation.

Assessment Examinations: 100% + Compulsory laboratory work

Prescribed texts

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