Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Professional practice

R Rasmussen

4 points + 1.5 hours per week + First, second semester + Clayton

Synopsis This subject introduces the student to the practical context in which the theory conveyed in coursework is applied and prepares the student for entry into the professional workforce. It links the theoretical concepts of information services to professional practice in the workplace. The subject is recognised by the profession and the professional accrediting body as an essential component for the education of librarians and information professionals. The subject provides the necessary linkage between classroom theory and workplace practice. The selection of workplace location is made by the student with guidance and assistance by the supervisor, who also establishes and maintains the networks that are necessary to accommodate the wide range of potential choice by students. Locations must usually provide for supervision by a qualified practitioner, but for mature students this requirement may sometimes be waived. Workplace supervisors are required to assess the student's performance under operational conditions and to offer advice on the student's strengths and possible weaknesses. Normally students are visited by teaching staff at least once in each placement period.

Assessment Host supervisor's report: 50% + Student's report and presentation: 50%

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