Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Information processing

F Upward

8 points + 4 hours per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: LAR1002

Objectives Upon completion of the subject students should know the processes for the capture of communicated information, and for the operation, transmission and exploitation of recorded information; understand the principles behind the processing of information for optimal storage, retrieval and dissemination; and be able to undertake processes involved in the retention, disposition and preservation of recorded information.

Synopsis Principles and practices are placed in both a systems and a service context, building upon knowledge and skills developed in the first-year core subjects within the Bachelor of Information Management. Topics covered include the following. Choice of media for information storage, with particular emphasis on electronic information and its organisation requirements for particular information types. Methodologies for description of particular information types. The theory and application of classification and indexing systems. Methods for identifying users and structuring access to take account of these needs in conjunction with privacy issues, freedom of information provisions and the need for shared information. Methods for identifying material of continuing value and mechanisms for controlling disposition. The capture of communicated transactions and the acquisition of information.

Assessment Project work: 60% + Examination: 40%

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