Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Information systems II

C F Lau

6 points + First semester + Distance, Gippsland + Prerequisites: GCO7825

Objectives Students completing this subject should be able to acknowledge the importance of the interrelationship between the business plan and the information systems plan; understand the various techniques and tools used in project management and in design methodologies; produce basic designs of systems networks; and recommend suitable controls and prepare implementation guidelines for a new system.

Synopsis Review of the systems analysis process, tools, and role of the analyst. Project selection and management. Cost-benefit and cost control: PERT, CPM and Gantt charts; estimation of time, human resources and equipment requirements; evaluation of proposals, systems methodologies and CASE tools; functional decomposition, data-oriented, prescriptive. Design of distributed and on-line systems. Data communication requirements: modems, protocols, standards; networking via common carrier, local area networks, ISDN, EDI, TCP/IP etc. Implementation: training and planning for implementation evaluation. System security: physical security; backups and documentation; data validation; access control systems.

Assessment Examination (3 hours) 50% + Other assessment modes: 50%

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