Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Industry project

J Hewson

12 points + Full-year subject + Gippsland, Distance + Corequisites: GCO3811 + Prerequisites: GCO2813 + Prohibitions: CFR2500, CFR3030, COT3500, GCO2819, GCO3819, SFT3500, SYS2500, SYS3030, SYS3500

Objectives This subject aims to develop in students the capacity to apply in a practical setting the theoretical work covered in their course; the ability to develop a significant computing application system, from the analysis and design stages, through coding and implementation, to evaluation; and the ability to operate effectively as a member of a development team.

Synopsis Students work in project groups (usually six people) on a system development project for a client who may be either internal or external to Monash. In general, projects involve all aspects of the system development life cycle. Project management aspects of system development are stressed. The requirements of the subject are fulfilled by the team producing an identified set of deliverables, usually a project proposal, project plan, a system specification, user documentation and software. The team must perform software management activities to ensure that the project is delivered on time. Students are required to maintain a development log with a full record of all their project-related activities. Each member of the team must demonstrate a significant contribution to the team effort, a sense of responsibility for the project outcome and skills for interaction with the client. Internal students meet formally with the subject adviser each week for seminar presentations and tutorial sessions. In the case of external students an individual project or smaller project group (2 or 3 people) may be permitted. Students admitted to the school's industry experience scheme fulfil the subject requirements by undertaking a project with their employer.

Assessment: Practical work: 100% + Assessment is based on project reports, documents and other project deliverables, two presentations and the project supervisor's report.

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