Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Human communications

C F Lau and K Styles

6 points + One 2-hour lecture and two 1-hour tutorial/workshop sessions per week + First semester + Gippsland, Distance + Prohibitions: CSC1040, CSC1050, SYS2204

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to understand communication as a human rather than as a mechanical activity; recognise the effective communication strategies and processes, both oral and written, appropriate to a number of different settings and purposes; demonstrate professionally acceptable standards of oral and written communication; retrieve and utilise information efficiently; and demonstrate the ability to think logically, and to present, analyse and answer arguments in an objective manner.

Synopsis Written communication: report writing, memoranda, letters, instructions, notices, computing documentation. Information storage and retrieval: the library, public databases, personal filing systems and databases. A communication model. Oral communication: listening skills, informal meetings, formal meetings, oral presentations, audiovisual communication, interviewing skills. Critical analysis of argument. All aspects of the subject are focused on the needs of IT professionals. For distance education students, there will be an optional four hours lecture/tutorial/workshop at each weekend school. An oral presentation will be made during the third and fourth weekend school, or by video.

Assessment Written: 50% + Examinations: 50%

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