Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



W Brown

4 points + Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 3-hour laboratory per three weeks + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: As for CSC3010; additional prerequisites CSC2010 and either CSC2061 or CSC1021 + Corequisites: As for CSC3030 + Prohibitions: COT3100, RDT2420, RDT3700. Not available to BCSE or BSc/BE students taking CS/Electrical and computer systems engineering

Objectives On completion of the subject, students should understand how memory and I/O devices, such as UARTs, ADCs and disks can be interfaced to a microprocessor CPU via data, address and control buses; and the features of the common families of logic-integrated circuits and of how chips are interconnected to form larger systems.

Synopsis This subject covers practical aspects of digital hardware as applied to microprocessor systems. Topics include digital logic circuits, microprocessor organisation, microprocessor interfacing and aspects of digital logic families. The 8086 will be used as the example of a microprocessor, both in lectures and in laboratory work. Interfacing will cover aspects of memory, serial I/O, analog I/O, interrupts, direct memory access and flexible diskette I/O.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% + Laboratory work: 30%

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