Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



S Ray

4 points + First, second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: CSC2040, CSC2050 and any two of CSC2010, CSC2020 and CSC2030

Objectives On completion of the subject, students should be able to develop a piece of software that is directed towards a specific task; have experience with the issues involved in constructing a piece of software larger than previously required; and be able to focus upon the particular application-based problem-solving skills required, as well as the broader programming skills. This subject differs from CSC3020 (Software engineering project) as it is directed to developing a large piece of software which is oriented towards a particular problem domain, and is designed and constructed by the student working as independently of others as possible.

Synopsis This subject is intended to provide practical experience involving a non-trivial project. The projects are generally software-oriented, although a small number of hardware projects may be offered. The list of projects to be offered will be available at re-enrolment, and students will be assigned to projects in the first week of semester. There are no lectures in this subject, although students will be expected to attend regular meetings with their project supervisors. As a rough guide, this subject should require about a hundred hours of effort from the student during the semester.

Assessment Practical work

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