Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



  1. Master of Computing by coursework
  2. Master of Computing by research
  3. Master of Digital Communications

Master of Computing by coursework

Clayton and Caulfield campuses

Course code: 0176

Departmental coordinators: Dr Noel Craske (Computer Technology); Mrs Sita Ramakrishnan (Software Development)


The Master of Computing by coursework is offered on the Caulfield campus by the departments of Computer Technology and Software Development. It requires completion of coursework and a minor thesis in the relevant department.

The Master of Computing by coursework has two major objectives. The first is to provide the conceptual and theoretical framework in which students can appreciate and integrate new software and hardware technologies, and, within an information technology context, use them to develop solutions to complex problems in our society. The second objective is to deepen students' theoretical knowledge in specific areas so that they will have the intellectual and conceptual foundation to play leading roles in the development of the information technology industry.

The course may be completed in a minimum of one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. The maximum period of candidature is two years full-time or four years part-time.

Admission requirements

Applicants are required to hold a Bachelor of Computing (Honours) from Monash University; a degree in computing or a related discipline, as well as a postgraduate diploma that is considered equivalent to BComp(Hons); or have completed the Master of Computing preliminary year. The Monash graduate diplomas in Information Technology, Digital Communications and Robotics are considered equivalent to a Master of Computing preliminary year.

Only applicants who have shown high academic ability by their performance in prior studies (at least class II honours), will be admitted to each year of the course.

Fees for Australian residents

In 1996 the course fee is $8000 or $1000 per subject.


The normal duration of the course is one year full-time or two years part-time.

Course structure

The course requires the completion of a minimum of four coursework subjects at fifth-year level. In addition students must complete a minor thesis in an appropriate department. The minor thesis has a weighting of between 12.5 per cent and 50 per cent of the course.

Due to the dynamic nature of this field of study, new subjects will be introduced as is deemed appropriate. Not all subjects are available each year.

Students will be required to discuss their subject selections with departmental coordinators prior to enrolment to ensure the subject is appropriate to their thesis area. The currently approved subjects are:

+ COT5010 Reading unit in computer technology

+ COT5200 Advanced topics in distributed systems

+ COT5210 Data security and cryptography

+ COT5220 Advanced topics in database systems

+ SFT5010 Reading subject

+ SFT5020 Distributed computation and simulation

+ SFT5030 Visual programming

+ SFT5040 Case study in engineering software for reuse

+ SFT5050 Software metrics and reliability

+ SFT5180 Software engineering

+ SFT5300 Systems support management

+ SFT5400 Advanced issues in programming languages

+ SYS5110 Advanced topics in artificial intelligence

+ SYS5120 Requirements acquisition and modelling

+ SYS5150 Decision support methods

+ SYS5240 Management and information systems

+ SYS5270 Current topics in cognitive science

+ SYS5280 Knowledge-based decision support

+ SYS5306 Advanced issues in system design

+ SYS5316 Design theory

Students may negotiate to undertake the study of up to two coursework subjects of equivalent standard offered by another faculty.

Software engineering stream

The faculty is proposing to offer a software engineering stream of the Master of Computing from 1996, subject to university approval. Students undertaking appropriate software engineering subjects may seek credit into a software engineering degree in 1996/1997. For further information, please contact the postgraduate coordinator in the Department of Software Development.

Master of Computing by research

Clayton, Caulfield, Peninsula and Gippsland campuses

Course code: 0176

Departmental coordinators: Associate Professor John Hurst (Computer Science), Dr Noel Craske (Computer Technology), Dr Frada Burstein (Information Systems), Professor Jim Breen (Robotics and Digital Technology), Dr A Sajeev (Software Development), Dr Baikunth Nath (Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology), Dr Jun Han (Peninsula School of Computing and Information Technology)


The Master of Computing by research is offered on the Clayton campus by the departments of Computer Science and Robotics and Digital Technology; on the Caulfield campus by the departments of Computer Technology, Information Systems and Software Development; on the Peninsula campus by the Peninsula School of Computing and Information Technology; and on the Gippsland campus by the Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology. It requires completion of a major thesis which shows independence of thought and demonstrates the ability of the candidate to carry out research in the selected field.

Areas for research include graphics and image processing, artificial intelligence, inductive inference, parallel and persistent computer architectures, systems analysis and design methodologies, knowledge-based systems, information systems management, computer-assisted software engineering, programming paradigms and languages, object-oriented systems, formal specification, software metrics, decision support systems, executive information systems, human-machine interfaces, distributed systems, information storage and retrieval, robotics, digital communications, microelectronic circuit design and digital systems design.

For more information about research interests and activity within the department, please refer to the `Department information' section in this handbook.

Admission requirements

The normal entry requirement for a Master of Computing degree by research is a four-year honours degree in computing or in a related discipline with a Class I or IIA pass, or a Master of Computing preliminary year or equivalent qualification with an average result of at least 70 per cent (HIIA).

An applicant with a degree or diploma in computing and several years relevant experience may also qualify for admission after completion of a preliminary program. A preliminary course of study mainly involves studying subjects offered at honours (fourth year) or graduate diploma level. The Monash graduate diplomas in Information Technology, Information Systems, Digital Communications or Robotics are considered equivalent to a Master of Computing preliminary year.

Course structure

A research candidate is required to undertake a program of supervised research within a department of the faculty resulting in the completion of a major thesis. The thesis will demonstrate the candidate's ability to carry out research in the field concerned and show independence of thought.

Fees for Australian residents

The Master of Computing by research attracts the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) fees.

Attendance requirements

Candidates are required to meet the following faculty attendance requirements.

1. Candidates should meet with their supervisor at least once per month, and attend specific seminars.

2. Full-time candidates are required to attend the university five days per week unless other arrangements have been made with their supervisor. Full-time students are also expected to spend the equivalent of five days per week working on the project.

3. Part-time candidates are required to attend the university, on average, one day per week and be able to spend the equivalent of two days per week working on the project.

4. Where work is to be done away from the university, the head of department should certify that suitable facilities, supervision and time are available to the candidate.

It is possible for a candidate to transfer to PhD candidature if the department and faculty determines that the candidate has demonstrated an ability to undertake research and that the research topic will remain essentially unchanged, although its scope will be substantially broadened.


The Master of Computing may be completed in a minimum of one year of full-time study (two years part-time) and a maximum of two years of full-time study (four years part-time).

Master of Digital Communications

Clayton campus

Course code: 1234

Course leader: Professor J Breen


Until recently, the two subjects of computing and communications have been largely independent of one another; those pursuing a career in one of these areas have rarely found it necessary to have expertise in the other area. Even within the general area of computing, only a small proportion of people have been proficient in both hardware and software.

Developments in microelectronics have profoundly altered this situation by providing complex digital components, such as microprocessors, at a very low cost. In computing, there is now a strong requirement for communications so that distributed computer systems can cooperate on common tasks. Furthermore the reduced cost of communications equipment has also accelerated the use of communications. In communications, it is now common for signals to be transmitted using digital encoding and computers are widely used to control the communications process.

As a result, professionals in both areas are finding it increasingly necessary to be competent in computing, digital technology and communications. Unfortunately few people have had the opportunity to acquire this range of expertise, either through educational courses or through work experience.

The Master of Digital Communications is intended for professionals in either computing or communications who wish to undertake studies in computer communications. The aim is to provide a thorough understanding of the central subject of the course, computer communications, and to consolidate students' skills in the underlying foundation disciplines of computing, digital technology and communications.

The program is divided into two stages, level four (preliminary year) and level five (masters year). Level four is designed to provide graduates in fields such as computing, computer science or electrical engineering with specialist graduate-level education in topics such as digital communications technologies, communications architectures, protocols and communications software.

Level five has been designed to build upon the material covered in level four, and to go more deeply into the underlying theoretical and technological foundations of digital communications systems. In addition level five examines the social and political aspects of communications networking, and the management structures for communications networks.

The course is available either part-time for a minimum of four years or full-time for a minimum of two calendar years.

Admission requirements

The normal entry requirement is a three-year degree or diploma-level qualification in a discipline that provides a suitable basis for the course, eg computer science, data processing or electrical, electronic or communications engineering.

Applicants with a degree or diploma in a discipline not directly related to the course will be considered if they have relevant work experience in computers or communications.

Applicants without degree or diploma qualifications may also be admitted on the basis of work experience, subject to the approval of the faculty's admissions committee. The level of work experience required would be at least five years in a position carrying significant technical responsibility in an area relevant to the course. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate an ability to study at tertiary level. The number of places available to applicants in this category is limited.

Applicants should note that demand for this course usually exceeds the quota of places available and consequently not everyone qualified for entry to the course can be admitted. Applicants are therefore advised to present their cases strongly when applying for the course.

Direct entry to level five is possible. The normal requirement for direct entry to level five is satisfactory completion of the Graduate Diploma in Digital Communications. Applicants with a four-year or honours degree with significant emphasis on data communications may be considered; however, it is likely that some preliminary subjects selected from the graduate diploma program will also be required.

Fees for Australian residents

In 1996 the course fee is $6000 (per full-time year) or $750 per subject.

Course structure (level 4)

In order to satisfy the course requirements, each student must pass a total of seven coursework subjects and complete a project. Subjects may be taken in any order, subject to the pre and corequisites defined for each subject. The subjects are grouped into bridging subjects, core subjects and elective subjects.

The level four course is similar to the Graduate Diploma in Digital Communications. For further information, please refer to the Graduate Diploma in Digital Communications entry in this section of the handbook.

Bridging subjects

Before proceeding with the core subjects in the course, students must have reached a minimum standard in programming in the C language, digital electronics, operating system principles and introductory data communications. Students with insufficient prior study in one or more of these topics must enrol in the bridging subject RDT6800 (Topics in digital technology), during which they will undertake an assessed program of reading and self-study.

Core subjects

There are five compulsory core subjects:

+ RDT6810 Computer networks

+ RDT6820 Digital communications technologies

+ RDT6830 Communications software

+ RDT6840 Network design and management

+ RDT6850 Communications practical

Elective subjects

Students must complete three electives from the following:

+ RDT6900 Proprietary network architectures

+ RDT6910 Public telecommunication networks

+ RDT6920 Information security

+ One approved subject from another graduate diploma

Progression from level four to level five will require an average mark of at least 65 per cent in level four subjects.

Course structure (level 5)

Level five consists of a number of coursework subjects each of which constitutes 12.5 per cent of the course. In addition a student must undertake either a minor thesis in some aspect of digital communications (50 per cent weighting), or a project on an advanced topic (25 per cent weighting). Depending on whether the minor thesis or project is selected, either four or six coursework subjects must be completed.

+ ECS5362 Application of high speed telecommunication networks

+ RDT5020 Distributed systems

+ RDT5030 Advanced communications applications

+ RDT5040 Protocol engineering

+ RDT5050 Advanced network design

+ RDT5060 Telecommunications policy and management

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