Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Undergraduate course maps appear in the Faculty of Computing & Information Technology printed handbook.


  1. Bachelor of Computing
  2. Bachelor of Computing - Caulfield

Bachelor of Computing

Caulfield, Peninsula and Gippsland campuses


The Bachelor of Computing course is of three years duration if taken full-time. At the Caulfield campus, the course offers major studies in the areas of computer technology, information systems and software development; at the Peninsula campus a major in applications development is offered; and at the Gippsland campus a major in system development is available.

The pass degree covers both compulsory and optional subjects selected from the set of subjects offered at each campus, to the total value of 144 points. In general, the major study occupies at least a quarter (twelve points) of first year, a third (sixteen points) of second year and a half (twenty-four points) of third year.

The course is structured so that major and minor studies in a non-computing discipline may be undertaken concurrently with the relevant computing major.

At Gippsland, the major in system development is offered in both internal (on-campus) and external (distance education) modes. Internal students normally take the course full-time over a three-year period. External students normally take the course part-time over a six-year period.

In general, a maximum of sixty points of first-year subjects may be counted towards the degree. Students must complete at least thirty-six points of second-year subjects and at least thirty-six points of third-year subjects. Applicants should note that students taking the major in system development at Gippsland or by distance education must complete at least thirty points of third-year subjects.

Entrance requirements

The prerequisite is a grade average of D or above in VCE English in units 3 and 4, and units 1 and 2 of any VCE mathematics. However, applicants wishing to do a major in systems development at Gippsland or by distance education must have a grade average of D or above in VCE mathematics at units 3 and 4. Students must also have VCE prerequisites appropriate for any first-year subject which they take.

Mature-age applicants are considered on the basis of their employment history, educational background and career objectives. A lack of formal qualifications should not discourage inquiry. Applicants usually need to sit a STAT test. For further information, please refer to the `Information for students' section at the front of this handbook.

Employment and accreditation

This course is designed to produce graduates who satisfy the computing needs of industry, government and commerce. Upon completion of the course, graduates should be well suited to employment in the fields of computer programming, systems analysis and design, database management and related areas.

The course leads to level 1 professional accreditation by the Australian Computer Society.

Fourth or honours year

Students achieving a credit or better in third-year in their major study can choose to take a fourth year in that major study area. This is called the honours degree and is suitable for outstanding students wishing to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the area. It is essential for those who may wish to pursue a research career.

For further information about the honours program in each of the major study areas, refer to the separate entries below.

Bachelor of Computing - Caulfield

Course leader, Bachelor of Computing: Mrs Anne McMillan

Course code: 0961

Course structure

For course map details, please refer to Map 3 in the `Undergraduate course maps' section.

At first level, the pass degree, Bachelor of Computing, consists of a sequence of concurrent studies in computer technology, information systems and software development. At second level, the sequence consists of a further twenty-four points of concurrent studies in these three areas, plus a further eight points of studies in the student's nominated major (either computer technology, information systems or software development). In third year, a minimum of twenty-four points of study must be completed in the nominated major area.

The major study occupies one-quarter of the first-year load (twelve points), at least one-third of the second-year load (sixteen points), and at least one-half of the third-year load (twenty-four points).

In addition, a minor in a non-computing discipline of at least twenty-eight points (consisting of either a first-year sequence totalling twelve points and a second-year sequence totalling sixteen points, or a second-year sequence totalling sixteen points and a third-year sequence of at least twelve points), must be completed. All of the subjects for the minor sequence must be taken from the same discipline. Normally this discipline is one taught by a faculty other than the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology.

Candidates for the Bachelor of Computing are free to take subjects from other faculties as allowed by the regulations. For example, computer technology with mathematics or banking and finance or accounting is popular.

Studies in banking and finance, accounting, management, mathematics, psychology and sociology have been specifically approved. Students may, however, choose from the full range of disciplines of the university.

Part-time study

Subjects are normally available in the evening at the Caulfield campus. Students should note that blocks of hours are provided during the day where possible to facilitate day release, ie to allow students to attend classes with the minimum time off work.

First year

+ COT1130 Computer equipment (6 points)

+ COT1140 Operating systems (6 points)

+ SFT1101 Introduction to software development (6 points)

+ SFT1102 Program design and data structures (6 points)

+ SYS1001 Information systems (6 points)

+ SYS1252 Systems analysis (6 points)

+ Non-computing minor (12 points)

Second year

+ COT2138 Relational database (8 points)

+ SFT2201 Software engineering (8 points)

+ SYS2168 Systems design and implementation (8 points)

+ Computing electives from the area of major study (8 points)

+ Non-computing minor (16 points)

Third year

+ Computing project in area of major study (12 points)

+ Computing electives from the area of major study (12 points)

+ Other electives, either computing or non-computing (24 points)

Double major in computing

For course map details, please refer to Map 4 in the `Undergraduate course maps' section.

A double major requires 124 points of computing studies. Students undertaking a double major in computer technology and/or information systems and/or software development are required to count a maximum of twelve points of projects, ie one of COT3500 or SYS3500 or SFT3500, towards both majors. The additional thirty-two points required to complete the second major must be made up from eight points at second-year level and twenty-four points of third-year offerings of the second major study being undertaken. Students undertaking a double major are required to complete a minor in non-computing studies of twenty points rather than twenty-eight points.

Major in computer technology

Coordinator: Associate Professor John Daly

The computer technology major has the professional aim of preparing students for employment as computer systems officers. Students will learn about the operation of computer information systems including management of computer hardware, operating systems, database management systems, and data communication systems.

In a large organisation, a computer information system is built around a database on a computer system. The management of performance, security and continuous availability falls on what is often called the operations group. This group of computing professionals will optimise database designs (database administration), monitor strategic change in the organisation and model the data and hence hardware needs (data administration), formulate strategic plans for technologies including communications, computer hardware and operating systems and database management systems. The job titles for members of this group include database administrator, data administrator, performance specialist, systems programmer, operations manager, data communications specialist. A major in computer technology will prepare students for such jobs.

A major in computer technology requires a minimum of fifty-two credit points of study and is outlined below.

First year (12 points)

First-year coordinator: Ms Renee Gedge

The first-year subjects form part of the core of subjects required to be taken by all students of the Bachelor of Computing at Caulfield.

+ COT1130 Computer equipment (6 points)

+ COT1140 Operating systems (6 points)

Second year (16 points)

Second-year coordinator: Mr Christopher Avram

The second-year subjects fall into two categories. COT2138 is the last computer technology core subject. Database is seen to be so important for computing professionals that this advanced database subject has been included in the core. The remainder of the field of computer technology is taught in four four-point elective subjects in second year. Students who major in computer technology will choose at least one of those subjects. The sixteen points of the computer technology major at second year comprise:

+ COT2138 Relational database (8 points)

and computer technology electives (at least 4 points) from:

+ COT2004 (Data communications and networks)

+ COT2030 (Input-output technology)

+ COT2040 (Comparative operating systems), or

+ COT2200 (Systems security and privacy)

and computing electives (up to 4 points) from:

+ Any subject from the list of computer technology electives

+ Any subject from the information systems major

+ Any subject from the software development major

Third year (24 points)

Third-year coordinator: Mr Bob Sier

The third-year subjects of the department will prepare computing professionals for both employment in the commercial data processing industry and higher study in an honours program.

+ Computer technology project (12 points)

+ Computer technology electives (at least 12 points)

The allowable computer technology electives and computer technology projects are listed below.

All of these subjects may not be offered in the same year. Please check with the department for the details of subjects offered in a particular year.

Computer technology electives

+ COT2004 Data communications and networks (4 points)

+ COT2030 Input-output technology (4 points)

+ COT2040 Comparative operating systems (4 points)

+ COT2200 Systems security and privacy (4 points)

+ COT3000 Physical database design and implementation (6 points)

+ COT3002 Distributed computing systems (4 points)

+ COT3020 Network technology (6 points)

+ COT3030 Graphical user interface technology (6 points)

+ COT3031 Client-server database systems (4 points)

+ COT3032 Object-oriented database systems and storage managers (4 points)

+ COT3100 Computer architecture (4 points)

+ COT3150 Data communications software engineering (4 points)

+ COT3151 Communication network performance (4 points)

+ COT3152 Communication protocol engineering (4 points)

+ COT3201 Information retrieval systems (4 points)

+ COT3210 Document and imaging systems (4 points)

Computer technology projects

+ COT3500 Industrial project (12 points)

+ SFT3500 Industrial project (12 points)

+ SYS3500 Information systems project (12 points)

Students in the computer technology major may count either SYS3500 or SFT3500 as their industrial project instead of COT3500, but must complete at least twenty-four points of third-year computer technology study.

Corequisite studies

To complete a computer technology major the following six subjects must also be studied.

First year

+ SFT1101 Introduction to software development (6 points)

+ SFT1102 Program design and data structures (6 points)

+ SYS1001 Information systems (6 points)

+ SYS1252 Systems analysis (6 points)

Second year

+ SFT2201 Software engineering practice (8 points)

+ SYS2168 Systems design and implementation (8 points)

Honours program in computer technology

Coordinator: Mr Peter Granville

Bachelor of Computing (Honours) study in computer technology is available on the Caulfield campus.

The honours year is designed to allow students to study an area of computer technology in depth. Central to honours study is applied research leading to the presentation of a minor thesis. This not only prepares students for a research or academic career but develops important analytical skills for professional practice. Students are expected, where possible, to conduct their research within one of the department's research groups.

There are no Monash or government-funded honours scholarships available, but students may be employed on an established research project as a part-time research assistant or by the department as a sessional tutor.

COT4000 (Computer technology honours) requires the completion of twenty-four points of coursework at fourth-year level and a minor thesis (twenty-four points). Students select their program within the prerequisite structure as approved by the honours coordinator. Not all subjects will be offered in any one year. Students can also study up to twelve credit points from other departments of the university subject to the approval of the head of department. The overall COT4000 grade of HI, HIIA, HIIB or HIII is determined by combining the coursework and thesis grades.

The computer technology subjects at fourth-year level are:

+ COT4010 Reading unit in computer technology (6 points)

+ COT4180 CASE technology (6 points)

+ COT4200 Computer equipment and operating systems (6 points)

+ COT4230 Relational database systems (6 points)

+ COT4300 Query language and information retrieval (6 points)

+ COT4310 Information resource management and data administration (6 points)

+ COT4330 Deductive database systems (6 points)

+ COT4350 Data communications (6 points)

+ COT4430 Database design and administration (6 points)

However, not all subjects are offered each year.

Major in information systems

Coordinator: Helen Smith

The major in information systems requires a minimum of fifty-two credit points of study. The subjects available at each level are outlined below.

First year

First year coordinator: Ms Peta Darke

The first-year subjects serve both as a general introduction to information systems and as a prerequisite for further studies. Thus they may be taken either by students wishing to major in information systems or by students whose major interest is in some other discipline, eg business, science, arts or another discipline area.

The first-semester subject SYS1001 introduces students to the concept of an information system and to the process of systems analysis. The information systems perspective on common data processing tasks is investigated and techniques such as data flow diagrams are used to record and evaluate the system.

The second-semester subject SYS1252 explores the analysis of information systems in more depth using additional diagramming and other techniques. There is an emphasis on structuring data to ensure appropriate data bases may be developed. Identifying user requirements is a major concern and both first-year subjects emphasise the need for appropriate communication with the future end users of information systems.

+ SYS1001 Information systems (6 points)

+ SYS1252 Systems analysis (6 points)

Second year

Second year coordinator: Mr Henry Linger

Second year develops further information systems knowledge and skills. In second year there is an emphasis on the design and implementation stages of system development which builds on the analysis stages studied in first year.

There is one compulsory second-year subject, namely SYS2168. This subject completes the introductory study of systems analysis and design by addressing the design and implementation stages of system development.

Students select two subjects from the set of second-year electives to complete the required second year in information systems. BUS2174 develops a knowledge of project planning and control essential to all systems development projects; SYS2194 enables students to explore the development of information systems using a prototyping approach; and SYS2204 extends students' understanding of the communication requirements of information systems development while developing practical skills in communication with clients and end-users that will be highly desirable for future employment in this field. Employers of graduates from all disciplines are eager to employ staff with good communication skills so students are strongly encouraged to take SYS2204 as an elective.

+ SYS2168 Systems design and implementation (8 points)

plus eight points of elective study from:

+ BUS2174 Project management (4 points)

+ SYS2194 Systems prototyping (4 points)

+ SYS2204 Communication for information systems (4 points)

Third year

Third year coordinator: Ms Sharman Lichtenstein

Students wishing to major in information systems must take SYS3500 (Information systems project) and at least three other third-year information systems subjects. Some students may choose to complete the other half of their third year with additional information systems subjects giving them a full third year in information systems. Other students may complete the remaining half of their third year with a different discipline to give them two majors, one in information systems and one in the other discipline.

Information systems project (SYS3500) is an exercise in applying the skills and knowledge developed in the first two years of the course to a real-world problem where students can begin to appreciate the complexity of the system development process. Successful completion of the project is a rewarding experience and one which prepares students well for employment as a computing professional.

In addition to the project, students have a choice of a wide range of electives in information systems. Students can choose to broaden their knowledge of information systems topics with subjects in decision support systems, knowledge-based systems, neural networks and so forth, or to deepen their knowledge of analysis and design with subjects such as object-oriented analysis, systems analysis methods, CASE or cognitive aspects of interface design. SYS3184 (Information systems theory) is recommended for students intending to apply for the honours program but is not a prerequisite for honours.

+ SYS3500 Industrial project (12 points)

plus twelve points of elective study from:

+ SYS3044 CASE (4 points)

+ SYS3054 Decision support systems (4 points)

+ SYS3064 Knowledge-based systems (4 points)

+ SYS3074 Organisational issues in information systems (4 points)

+ SYS3084 Cognitive aspects of interface design (4 points)

+ SYS3094 Object-oriented analysis (4 points)

+ SYS3104 Systems analysis methods (4 points)

+ SYS3114 Neural computing (4 points)

+ SYS3124 Theoretical models of decision making (4 points)

+ SYS3134 Geographical information systems (4 points)

+ SYS3144 Project leadership for information systems (4 points)

+ SYS3184 Information systems theory (4 points)

+ SYS3194 Security in information systems (4 points)

+ SYS3214 Strategic inter-organisational systems (4 points)

Corequisite studies

In order to complete the Bachelor of Computing with a major in information systems the following corequisite studies must be completed:

First year

+ COT1130 Computer equipment (6 points)

+ COT1140 Operating systems (6 points)

+ SFT1101 Introduction to software development (6 points)

+ SFT1102 Program design and data structures (6 points)

Second year

+ COT2138 Relational database (8 points)

+ SFT2201 Software engineering practice (8 points)

Honours program in information systems

Coordinator: Mr Peter O'Donnell

Bachelor of Computing (Honours) study in information systems is available only in full-time mode.

The honours year is designed to allow students to study an area of information systems in depth. Central to honours study is applied research leading to the presentation of a minor thesis. This not only prepares students for a research or academic career but develops important analytical skills for professional practice. Students are expected, where possible, to conduct their research within one of the department's research groups.

Students undertaking the honours program are enrolled in a single subject, namely SYS4000 (Information systems honours). This subject requires the completion of twenty-four points of coursework at fourth-year level and a minor thesis (twenty-four points). Students select their program within the prerequisite structure as approved by the honours coordinator. Not all subjects will be offered in any one year. Students can study up to twelve credit points of their coursework from other departments subject to the approval of the head of department. The overall SYS4000 grade of HI, HIIA, HIIB or HIII is determined by the thesis grade.

The information systems subjects at fourth-year level are:

+ SYS4010 Reading subject (6 points)

+ SYS4130 Information technology strategic planning (6 points)

+ SYS4140 Information modelling (6 points)

+ SYS4160 Decision aids (6 points)

+ SYS4170 Executive information systems (6 points)

+ SYS4180 Knowledge-based systems (6 points)

+ SYS4190 Knowledge engineering (6 points)

+ SYS4210 Decision support systems (6 points)

+ SYS4220 Systems analysis (6 points)

+ SYS4270 Systems design and implementation (6 points)

+ SYS4360 Information systems management (6 points)

+ SYS4470 Human-machine interfaces (6 points)

+ SYS4540 Soft computing in intelligent decision support (6 points)

Major in software development

Coordinator: Ms Sylvia Tucker

The major in software development requires a minimum of fifty-two credit points of study. The subjects have been grouped into three streams: programming - principles and practice; software engineering - object-oriented; and systems - implementation and management.

The major sequence begins with a solid foundation of subjects from the programming stream in first year. The first-year subjects and SFT2201 serve both as a general introduction to software development and as a prerequisite for further studies. Thus they may be taken either by students wishing to major in software development or by students whose major interest is in some other branch of business, science, arts or engineering.

The second year of study emphasises the twin processes of scientific abstractions and engineering methods from the programming stream and software engineering stream. The second-year elective subjects include subjects from these two streams. The third-year elective subjects include subjects from the three streams.

The subjects available in each stream are outlined below.

Stream 1: Programming - principles and practice

First year

+ SFT1101 Introduction to software development (6 points)

+ SFT1102 Program design and data structures (6 points)

Second year

+ SFT2202 Data structures in C (4 points)

+ SFT2204 Fourth-generation systems (4 points)

+ SFT2205 Commercial programming in COBOL (4 points)

+ SFT2208 UNIX programming (4 points)

Third year

+ SFT3010 Knowledge-based software (6 points)

+ SFT3050 Programming abstractions (6 points)

+ SFT3311 Reading subject (4 points)

+ SFT3500 Software development project (12 points)

Stream 2: Software engineering - object-oriented

Second year

+ SFT2201 Software engineering practice (8 points)

+ SFT2203 Technical documentation for software engineers (4 points)

+ SFT2207 Programming language paradigms (4 points)

Third year

+ SFT3021 Object-oriented programming systems (6 points)

+ SFT3302 Software specification (4 points)

+ SFT3309 Software automation (4 points)

+ SFT3310 Software quality management (4 points)

Stream 3: Systems - implementation and management

Third year

+ SFT3000 Application programming in C++ (6 points)

+ SFT3001 UNIX system call programming (6 points)

+ SFT3308 Software systems management (4 points)

+ SFT3316 Concurrent programming (6 points)

Corequisite studies

The following corequisite studies must be completed:

First year

+ COT1130 Computer equipment (6 points)

+ COT1140 Operating systems (6 points)

+ SYS1001 Information systems (6 points)

+ SYS1252 Systems analysis (6 points)

Second year

+ COT2138 Relational database (8 points)

+ SYS2168 Systems design and implementation (8 points)

Honours program in software development

Coordinator: Ms Jan Miller

The Bachelor of Computing (Honours) study in software development is available in full-time and part-time modes.

The purpose of the honours year is to allow the students to study an area of software development in depth. This is achieved via applied research leading to a minor thesis. It prepares students for both a research and a professional career. Students are expected to conduct their research within one of the department's research groups.

The department sometimes offers scholarships sponsored by industry, Monash or government. Students may be employed on an established research project as a part-time research assistant or by the department as sessional tutor.

SFT4000 (Software development honours) requires the completion of twenty-four points of coursework at fourth-year level and a minor thesis (twenty-four points). Students select their program within the prerequisite structure as approved by the honours coordinator. Not all subjects will be offered in any one year. Students can also study up to twelve credit points from other departments of the university, subject to the approval of the head of department.

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