Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Computer concepts and software systems

D. Hawthorn

6 points + One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: BUS1042, CSC1011 or equivalent + Prohibitions: CSC1030, CSC1072, RDT1400

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the principles of computer hardware and its design; be familiar with the typical routines in computers; appreciate the structure and use of operating systems; and have been introduced to the role of specialised software.

Synopsis The subject covers the areas of computing principles, computer architecture, hardware components, assembler programming, operating system functions, code generated by compilers and computers as components of systems. Topics covered include the design of a typical large computer-based system, computer languages and addressing structures, data representation, computer logic and hardware, microprogramming, interrupt systems, caches, virtual memory, operating system functions, process synchronisation, maintaining system integrity (including restart and recovery techniques). Extensive notes are provided.

Assessment Assignments: 30% + Examination (2 hours): 70% + Note that a minimum score of 45% in the examination is required to pass the subject

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