Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Introductory computing for business applications

A Parr

6 points + Two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week + First, second semester + Clayton + Prohibitions: CFR1120, CSC1011, CSC1021, RDT1301

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the general purposes and concepts of business computing; be proficient in the use of standard computing business application software so that they may efficiently solve business problems; and have a foundation in both the theory and practice of business computing so that they may be enabled to proceed to more complex concepts and practices.

Synopsis The course will include an introduction to the fundamental elements of hardware and software, operating systems and DOS. The remainder of the course will focus on the Windows graphical user interface and will introduce a range of Windows applications software: Microsoft Word for Windows, Excel and Access. This software should enable students to understand the principles of word processors, integrated spreadsheets, and business data processing software, and should enable them to use them for the generation of business plans, reports, financial statements etc. The spreadsheet section and the database section will incorporate an introduction to programming with macros and the database section will also include a component on database design principles and procedures.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% + Assignments: 40% + Note that a minimum score of 50% on the examination paper is required to pass the subject

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