Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Public relations campaigns

Not offered until 1998

6 points + One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial/workshop + Caulfield + Prerequisite: MKT3231

Objectives Students who complete this subject will be able to organise a PR program/campaign integrated with other strategic business or organisational plans; establish appropriate objectives, and plan and execute complex PR campaigns; manage the use of research to refine and develop PR strategy; operate at an entry level within PR consultancies or departments of major organisations with insight into the management processes which are used.

Synopsis This subject provides students with an integrative experience of using all the theory and processes to which they have been exposed through their course. Students will further study and use campaign planning and management tools. They will create from briefs two major PR campaigns with target groups involving multiple groups of stakeholder.

Assessment Minor individual/team assignment (2000 words): 20% + Major individual/team assignment (5000 words): 50% + Examination (2 hours): 30%

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