Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Quality systems management

Professor Amrik Sohal

6 points + One 3-hour class per week + Caulfield + Prerequisite: MGM7500

Objectives On completion of this subject students will be able to represent organisations as the integration of functional subsystems; understand the principles of quality management and process re-engineering; particularly as they relate to management theory and learning models; demonstrate an ability to design quality management and continuous improvement systems; understand the cultural, behavioural and technical changes required to achieve improved system quality and performance; appreciate the manner in which information technology can be used to support quality management and lead to process re-engineering and organisational transformation.

Synopsis Organisational systems; process models of organisations and their external relationships; performance of systems - measures of technical and economic performance; fundamentals of quality management; quality as a systemic link between organisational systems; information technology organisational transformation; relating process re-engineering and quality management systems.

Assessment Individual assignment: 20% + Two group assignments: 40% + Examination (3 hours): 40%

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