Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


International management

Ms Marilyn Fenwick

6 points + One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial + Caulfield, Peninsula + Prerequisites: MGM1300

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to relate management theory to various cultural settings; appreciate the complex challenges facing global managers at the interpersonal and operational levels and compare a range of cross-cultural variables in the business environment.

Synopsis The subject involves a study of management theory related to varying cultures, whilst exploring the multinational business enterprise and the significance of cross-cultural variables in the business environment. Ethics and social responsibilities; communication; leadership; motivation, control and conflict; human resource management and industrial relations.

Assessment Assignment (2000 words): 20% + Group project: 25% + Class work: 15% + Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

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