Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Marketing management 1

Ms Terrie O'Brien

6 points + Two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisite: MGC1020, MGC1030

Objectives On completion of this course students should have an awareness and understanding of marketing theories and concepts; understand the role of marketing in contemporary organisations and in management decisions; understand the tools and techniques for marketing analysis and problem solving; have the necessary knowledge and skills for further study in marketing.

Synopsis This subject introduces students to marketing theory and practice. The role of marketing in achieving organisation objectives by identifying marketing opportunities and developing marketing strategies is examined. The aim of the subject is to provide students with the conceptual skills necessary to identify and solve marketing problems. The subject provides a foundation for those students seeking to pursue further study in marketing. However, it covers the broad scope of marketing for those students undertaking only one marketing subject.

Assessment Group assignment (5000 words): 30% + Individual assignment: 10% + Examination (3 hours): 60%

Prescribed texts

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