Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


The Australian health care system

Professor Chris Selby Smith

6 points + One 3-hour session per week + Second semester + Clayton

Objectives The subject objectives are to provide an understanding of the environment in which health administrators operate in Australia, including a comprehensive description of the structure of the Australian health care system; to develop understanding of principles, concepts and theories which influence health policy and planning, and to develop analytical skills in the analysis of health policy; to emphasise the complexity of management in the health sector and the part played by values in policy formulation, implementation and evaluation.

Synopsis This subject is aimed at providing an understanding of the environment in which health administrators operate. Key topics covered include the structure of the Australian health care system (public and private hospitals, nursing homes, non-institutional services, preventive services, government structures); the health workforce; and financing arrangements (including Commonwealth-State financial arrangements). Contemporary policy debates and issues are highlighted.

Assessment Assignment (3000 words): 50% + Assignment (3000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

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