Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Hospital administration

Professor Johannes Stoelwinder

6 points + One 3-hour session per week + First semester + Monash Medical Centre

Objectives The course is intended to provide participants with an overview of the theory of management of hospitals and to develop the skills required to become an effective health care manager. Contemporary issues in hospital management are identified. These issues are linked to various elements of organisation behaviour, management control systems, the sociology of professions, planning and change theory. The subject provides a theoretical understanding of these issues and seeks to enrich the understanding by students of these theories.

Synopsis This subject develops an overview of the practice and theory of hospital management by reviewing major contemporary issues in hospital management; describing the role and practice of management in hospitals; exploring the sources of information relevant to hospital management; and developing links between generic theory in management to the practice of hospital management. In doing so, it draws on economics, political science, sociology of medicine, organisational theory, change theory, business ethics and descriptive work on the function of the hospital. The subject aims to provide those interested in a career in hospital management with a taste of the practical issues involved and a starting point for exploring this theory.

Assessment Assignment: 50% + Assignment: 30% + Assignment: 20%

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