Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Contemporary issues in employment relations

Mr Len Pullin

6 points + Distance: approximately 12 hours per week + Second semester + Gippsland + Prerequisite: GBU8002

Objectives This subject aims to develop intellectual independence in students through a variety of self-selected practical and theoretical themes in contemporary employment relations. Students will utilise an historical framework to develop their knowledge of contemporary employment relationships in a specific industry or region of their choice and will become equipped to apply this knowledge in their future research or vocational interests.

Synopsis The subject provides an overview of Australian industrial relations and utilising, in part, an historical framework examining theories on the nature of the employment relationship, industrial conflict and labour collectivism. The role of government, trade unions and employers and their associations are considered, as are developments in wage determination, workplace industrial relations and enterprise bargaining.

Assessment Two assignments (each 3000 words): 50% + Examination (3 hours): 50%

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