Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


International banking and finance

Mr Michael Vincent

3 hours per week + Second semester + Caulfield, in-house

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of concepts of international banking as practical management problems; available financing techniques; analysis of current issues; characteristics of international banking.

Synopsis Topics include the international financial system; the European monetary system and the EEC; Euromarkets; trade finance and trade facilitation agencies; international bank management issues; global banking issues; country risk analysis; effect on banks of catering to needs of multinationals and transnationals; interaction between politics, public policy and international banking.

Assessment Tutorial participation: 10% + Case study: 10% + Research report (4000 words): 40% + Examination (3 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

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