Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Objectives Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to understand the basic concepts underlying Australian income tax and indirect taxes; demonstrate competence in applying those basic concepts to a range of typical international trade transactions; and demonstrate competence in researching and writing an assignment on an issue or case study relating to international trade transactions.
Synopsis This subject covers the basic concepts and principles of Australian income taxation law, including residence, source, income, deductions, capital gains tax and taxation of alternative business entities; specific aspects of income taxation law which are relevant to international trade transactions, including double tax treaties, foreign tax credits, foreign income exemptions, controlled foreign entities, thin capitalisation, transfer pricing and foreign losses; and the basic concepts underlying indirect taxation relevant to international trade, including customs duty and sales tax.
Assessment Assignment (2000 words approx): 30% + Examination (open book 3 hours): 70%