Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Course director: Mr John Rice (Caulfield), Mr Peter Krueger (Peninsula)
Adviser, computing subjects: Mrs Anne McMillan
Candidates completing this program qualify for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Computing.
+ have the capacity to synthesise and apply knowledge from separate disciplines in problem analysis;
+ demonstrate independent learning, adaptability and continuity within a constantly changing business and computing environment;
+ be able to apply skills in communication and interpersonal behaviour in both the computing and business areas;
+ be able to apply theoretical business and computing concepts through analysis, application and evaluation, to practical situations;
+ be prepared for postgraduate study in the areas of accounting, computing or both.
+ Members of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators will be granted credit for three subjects. Holders of a recognised Certificate of Business Studies are eligible for credit for up to a maximum of four subjects in the course, to be determined by the course director.
+ Holders of an Associate Diploma in Accounting from a TAFE college are eligible for up to a maximum of six subjects on a subject-by-subject basis, depending on the specialisation undertaken in the Associate Diploma in Accounting. A maximum of eight subjects determined by the course director on a subject-by-subject basis is possible for an approved articulation program.
+ Candidates who are members of an approved professional accounting body will be admitted to the equivalent of year two of the course. A list of approved professional bodies is available from the Faculty of Business and Economics administration offices.
2. Such applications as may be made under section 1 above will be considered by the relevant faculty, together with all other applications and with regard to quotas applying to the particular course. Applications of this nature may only be made at the commencement of the academic year.
3. Candidates enrolled in the degree, who may be subsequently admitted to either the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) or the Bachelor of Computing under section 2 above, and will complete that single degree in accordance with the regulations pertaining to that award, shall undertake such additional work as may be prescribed by the admitting faculty in order to satisfy all course requirements.
Caulfield campus
+ ECM1640 Business mathematics and statistics
+ SYS1001 Information systems
+ SFT1101 Introduction to software development
+ COT1130 Computer equipment and data communications
+ FIN2161 Statistics for accounting, auditing and finance
+ SYS1252 Systems Analysis
+ SFT1102 Program design and data structures
+ COT1140 Operating systems and database
+ FIN1010 Commercial law
+ MKT1120 Marketing theory and practice
+ Computing major/core
+ Computing elective
+ FIN1151 Corporations law and trusts
+ Computing corequisite
+ Computing corequisite
+ FIN1710 Macroeconomics
+ Computing elective
+ Computing elective
+ Computing elective
+ FIN2710 Microeconomics
+ MGM1300 Introduction to management
+ Computing elective
+ Computing elective
+ FIN3931 Taxation law
+ MGM2691 Management of organisational performance
+ Computing project (.5 unit)
+ ACC9011 Elective
+ MGM3511 Strategic management accounting
+ Computing project (.5 unit)
+ ECM1640 Business mathematics and statistics
+ CFR1120 Applications development I
+ CFR1121 Computer programming I
+ CFR1129 Business process analysis
+ FIN2161 Statistics for accounting, auditing and finance
+ CFR1123 Applications development II
+ CFR1124 Computer programming II
+ CFR1125 Computer systems
+ FIN1010 Commercial law
+ CFR2201 Relational database
+ CFR2126 Applications development III
+ FIN1151 Corporation law and trusts
+ CFR2128 Software engineering
+ CFR2306 Project management for information systems
+ CFR2307 Systems prototyping
+ FIN1710 Macroeconomics
+ CFRxxxx Computing elective
+ MKT1120 Marketing theory and practice
+ FIN2710 Microeconomics
+ CFRxxxx Computing elective
+ MGM1300 Introduction to management
+ FIN3931 Taxation law
+ CFR3500 Industrial project (.5 unit)
+ MGM2691 Management of organisational performance
+ ACC9011 Elective
+ CFR3500 Industrial project (.5 unit)
+ MGM3511 Strategic management accounting
For 1995 students must accumulate thirty-six credit points of computing electives.
Course director: Ms Gerrie Roberts - Banking and Finance
Ms Anne McMillan - Computing
This course is offered either on a full-time basis of four years duration or on a part-time basis of eight years duration.
Candidates completing this program qualify for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) and Bachelor of Computing.
+ developing a thorough understanding of the core business issues in accounting, management, marketing, law, economics and mathematics;
+ developing core information technology competencies in analysis, design, development and deployment of computer-based information systems;
+ providing thorough exposure to a wide range of disciplines to ensure that the graduate achieves a comprehensive business training and develops a broad perspective on business and computing and their role beyond his or her specialised area of interest;
+ developing skills in both the management of interpersonal relationships and communication;
+ developing the historical and theoretical frame of reference needed to evaluate, implement and operate advanced computer technology, particularly in finance related applications;
+ establishing a suitable base for postgraduate study.
+ Members of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators will be granted credit for three subjects. Holders of a recognised Certificate of Business Studies are eligible for credit for up to a maximum of four subjects in the course, to be determined by the course director.
+ Holders of a relevant associate diploma (with Year-12 entry) from a TAFE college may be eligible for credit up to a maximum of eight subjects.
+ TAFE Associate Diploma of Business (Micro Computing)
+ TAFE Associate Diploma of Business (Computer Programming).
The faculty also has in place several arrangements for advanced standing to applicants with completed international higher diplomas in computer studies from polytechnics and universities in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia.
For more detailed information or advice regarding credit for computing subjects students should contact the FCIT credit and qualifications officer at the faculty office, Caulfield Campus on 9903 2698.
+ COT1130 Computer equipment
+ FIN1710 Macroeconomics
+ SYS1001 Information systems
+ MGM1230 Business communication
+ ACC1110 Accounting and financial decision making
+ FIN1300 Money and capital markets
+ FIN1010 Commercial law
+ FIN2710 Microeconomics
+ SFT1101 Introduction to software development
+ MKT1120 Marketing theory and practice*
+ MGM1300 Introduction to management
+ COT1140 Operating systems
+ SFT1102 Program design and data structures
+ SYS2168 Systems design and implementation#
+ SFT2201 Software engineering practice#
+ COT2138 Relational database#
+ MKT2111 Buyer behaviour
+ FIN3931 Taxation law
+ FIN2801 Lending law
+ FIN3651 Treasury management
+ COT2004 Data communications and networks**
+ FIN3841 Lending decisions*
+ FIN3331 International banking and finance
+ COT3500 Industrial project (part 1)##
+ MGM3401 Strategic management
+ COT3030 Graphical user interface technology
+ COT3500 Industrial project (part 2)##
One computing elective to be selected from:
+ COT3020 Network technology
+ COT3000 Physical database design and implementation
The above description shows the course structure with a major in computer technology. Other majors from the computing area may become available in the future.
* Subjects with asterisks are required to satisfy the educational requirements for senior associate membership of the Australian Institute of Bankers. # Eight credit points. ** Four credit points. ## COT3500 Part 1 and Part 2 is a full-year subject.Notes
1. The progression above meets the requirements for the Bachelor of Computing with a major in computer technology.
2. Subjects with an asterisk or left blank attract six credit points.
* This course is under review and, in order to satisfy degree requirements will incorporate changes made to the Bachelor of Business core and the Bachelor of Laws core. Students are advised to contact the Department of Banking and Finance for the revised structure.Course code: 0816
Course director: Ms Yve Yamouni
+ provide a course of direct relevance to careers in the legal profession and in business specifically in the banking and finance industry, which should allow the graduate to make an early contribution;
+ provide thorough exposure to a wide range of disciplines to ensure that the graduate achieves a comprehensive legal and business training and develops a broad perspective on business and law and their roles beyond his or her specialised area of interest;
+ provide an education that emphasises the changing nature of the theory and practice of business and law, thereby encouraging the student to become an independent learner cognisant of his or her needs for continuing education;
+ develop skills in communication and interpersonal behaviour, allowing students to work effectively both in a team and independently;
+ develop the capacity to synthesise and apply knowledge from a number of separate disciplines when analysing specific problems;
+ establish a suitable basis for postgraduate study.
+ ECM1640 Business mathematics and statistics
+ ACC1110 Accounting and financial decision making
+ LAW1100 Legal process (equivalent of 2 units)* full-year subject
+ MGM1300 Introduction to management
+ FIN2710 Microeconomics
+ FIN2401 Commercial banking and finance
+ MKT1120 Marketing theory and practice
+ LAW2100 Contract (equivalent of 2 units)* full-year subject
+ FIN3841 Lending decisions
+ ACC2631 Financial management
+ MGM3231 Strategic planning for financial institutions
+ LAW2200 Torts (equivalent of 2 units)* full-year subject
+ LAW3400 Property (equivalent of 2 units)* full-year subject
+ MKT3141 Issues in competitive advantage
+ LAW3200 Constitutional law* full-year subject
+ LAW3300 Criminal law and procedure* full-year subject
+ and optional law subjects totalling 45 value points*
+ and optional law subjects totalling 135 value points*
It is recommended that double degree Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)/Bachelor of Laws students study LAW4104 (Australian banking law) and LAW5105 (Credit and security law) as electives in year 4 or year 5 in order to fulfil the educational requirements for senior associate membership of the Australian Institute of Bankers. Electives should be planned carefully as those electives are not usually offered every semester.
Full details of each subject are available in the handbooks of the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Law.
Management adviser: Ms Mary Anderson
Candidates enrolled in distance education courses in any of the disciplines of the Bachelor of Business should discuss their choices of electives with their course director and will select from a number of business-related subjects offered through the Distance Education Centre.
Candidates may take as electives in their own course any of the compulsory subjects offered in another Bachelor of Business discipline provided that the subjects chosen do not duplicate the content of any compulsory subject in their own course. In addition, a number of non-compulsory subjects may be taken, provided always that the necessary prerequisites are met. They are:
+ ACC2681 Corporate takeovers and insolvency
+ ACC2800 Financial controls in management
+ ACC3001/3011 Special studies subject
+ ACC3051 Advanced financial modelling
+ ACC3331 Multinational financial management
+ ACC3621 Advanced financial management
+ ACC3641 EDP auditing and controls
+ ACC3681 Behavioural aspects of accounting
+ ACC3691 Accounting theory
+ ACC3711 Public sector financial management
+ COT1720 Business information technology
+ COT3180 Principles of data base systems
+ FIN1151 Corporations law and trusts
+ FIN1210 Business Japanese 1
+ FIN1240 Business Chinese 1
+ FIN1311 Business Japanese 2
+ FIN1341 Business Chinese 2
+ FIN2161 Statistics for accounting auditing and finance
+ FIN2171 Business statistics and forecasting
+ FIN2181 Marketing law
+ FIN2301 Money market operations
+ FIN2751 Futures and options markets
+ FIN2841 Business decision methods
+ FIN2991 Law and managerial responsibility
+ FIN3001/3011 Special studies subject
+ FIN3091 Regulation of the securities industry
+ FIN3101 Financial regulation: theory and practice
+ FIN3111 Personal financial planning
+ FIN3121 Investments and portfolio management
+ FIN3131 Capital gains tax
+ FIN3141 Indirect and other taxes
+ FIN3151 Japanese banking and finance
+ FIN3201 International law
+ FIN3291 Multinational trade and investment
+ FIN3301 Case studies in international trade
+ FIN3321 Financial instruments in foreign capital markets
+ FIN3351 Investment banking
+ FIN3441 Taxation administration
+ FIN3451 Tax of companies, trusts and partnerships
+ FIN3461 Remuneration and retirement packages
+ FIN3491 International taxation
+ FIN3731 Managerial economics
+ FIN3951 Tax planning
+ MGM2300 Meeting procedures and decision making
+ MGM2641 Managerial communication
+ MGM2681 International management
+ MGM2821 HRM information systems
+ MGM3021 Issues in administration
+ MGM3361 Performance management
+ MGM3381 Information management
+ MGM3441 Human resource management strategy and planning
+ MGM3860 International manufacturing project 1
+ MGM3870 International manufacturing project 2
+ MGM3881 Current issues in human resource management
+ MGM3901 New enterprise management
+ MKT2501 Retail management principles
+ MKT2761 Agribusiness marketing management
+ MKT2800 Logistics elements
+ MKT3001/3011 Special studies subjects
+ MKT3201 Business marketing
+ MKT3301 Services marketing
+ MKT3401 Promotion: direct and public relations/publicity
+ MKT3421 Advanced marketing research
+ MKT3501 Retail buying and merchandising
+ MKT3531 International marketing
+ MKT3610/3611 Retail internship
+ MKT3621 Advertising management
+ MKT3631 Marketing internship
+ MKT3641 Sales management
+ MKT3651 Manufacturing processes
+ MKT3701 Advanced international marketing
+ MKT3711 Financial services marketing
+ MKT3741 Advanced marketing research - quantitative techniques
+ MKT3751 Advanced marketing research - qualitative techniques
+ MKT3761 International agribusiness
+ MKT3771 Sales promotion and public relations
+ MKT3781 Direct marketing
+ MKT3791 Marketing high technology products
+ MKT3801 Logistics systems and strategy
Candidates should be aware that not all electives are offered in each semester. The faculty administration offices will have information on the availability of specific subjects before each enrolment period.
It is also possible to study as an elective any other business undergraduate subject provided that the necessary prerequisites have been met. In addition business students are permitted to study as an elective a degree subject offered by another faculty or department at Monash University, provided that this is approved by the appropriate course director and the faculty or department teaching the subject. Forms for this purpose are obtainable from Syme Business administration offices.