Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Research report

Dr Kosmas Smyrnios

6 points + 6 hours per week + Full year + Caulfield + Prerequisite: Acceptance for enrolment in Bachelor of Business (Honours) program

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have conducted a critical review of the literature relevant to their field of study; derived appropriate hypotheses for testing, or question or problem to be answered; devised an empirical test of the hypotheses showing regard to practical problems of conducting research, ethical considerations, and principles of scientific method; conducted a planned study and managed any practical problems that might have arisen in the course of data collection; selected and conducted an appropriate analysis of data; written a report on the project showing due regard to relevant stylistic conventions.

Synopsis Under supervision students are expected to undertake and report on an original research project that addresses a significant issue in business; this research project is likely to have substantial practical outcomes or implications; as well, it is hoped that students and supervisors will publish the work in an appropriate journal.

Assessment Research dissertation: 100%

Prescribed texts

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