Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


The British Empire and Australia, 1642-1852

Bruce Knox

8 points + Two lectures and one tutorial per week + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis Australian political and constitutional history is in many respects continuous with that of Great Britain. The subject is concerned with that continuity. It begins with the emergence of a strong parliamentary monarchy under the Tudor and Stuart dynasties, passing through the English revolution of the seventeenth century and the involvement of the British State in America and India in the 1700s. We will examine the establishment of the penal settlement of New South Wales in the age of the American and French revolutions, and place Australian developments, constitutional and other, in the British Empire's `age of reform' to the mid-nineteenth century.

Assessment Two essays (1500 and 2500 words): 60% + Examination (2 hours): 40%

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