Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Revolutionary and Napoleonic France

David Garrioch

8 points + Two lectures and one tutorial per week + Second semester + Clayton + Prohibited combination: FRN3280 The French Revolution and its legacy

Synopsis The French Revolution was one of the most extraordinary political and social experiments in European history. This subject studies the course of the Revolution and the subsequent attempts, between 1795 and 1815, to resolve the issues it raised. Special attention will be given to popular protest and its causes, to the significance of religious conflict, to the relationship between Paris and the provinces, to women's role in the revolution and to the social and economic background of political divisions. The historiographical debates over the nature and course of the revolution will be studied closely, and attention will be given to its longer-term legacy.

Assessment Short essay (1500 words): 30% + Long essay (3500 words): 50% + Examination (1 hour): 20% (Option of additional 1000-word essay in place of an examination)

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