Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Synopsis The aim of this subject is to study a number of works of imagination and criticism by women writers in the light of recent developments in literary and cultural theory. It begins with a consideration of some of the reasons put forward for placing women's writing in a separate category for study and goes on to cover the following issues: the literary canon; its past exclusions and the implications for women; accounts of difference in Anglo-American and French cultural theory; feminist writing and publishing practices; some examples of reactive techniques such as the subversion of stereotypes, speculative utopian writing, romance re-visioned; and other connections between feminist thought and women's writing. The texts include autobiography, prose fiction, poetry and while there is some emphasis on Australian writers, a range of writing from Britain, Europe and America is represented.
Assessment Minor assignment (2000 words): 30% + Seminar paper or creative writing assignment (1500 words): 25% + Major assignment (2500 words): 45%