Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Welfare methods IB

Gordon Dawber

6 points + 5 hours per week + Second semester + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: Gippsland - GSC1306/GAS1501, GSC1201, GSC1303. Distance - additionally GSC1307/GAS1502, GSC1202 + Corequisites: Gippsland - GSC1307/GAS1502, GSC1202, GSC1305

Synopsis General introduction to the subject; communication - an essential part of welfare practice; different kinds of interview (information giving and receiving, assessment, helping); the essential personal qualities of an interviewer; basic interviewing skills; some key aspects of the interview; stages of the interview; application of theory in practice.

Assessment Assignment one (1000 words): 25% + Assignment two (1000 words): 25% + Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

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