Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Development and the environment -worlds apart?
S Legg
8 points + 4 hours per week + Second semester + Peninsula + Prerequisites: A
first-year geography sequence or permission of head
Synopsis This subject examines the management of economic development
with particular emphasis on the role of public policy in regulating the human
impact on the natural environment. Case studies taken from the world's most
rapidly-growing and diverse region - Asia and the Pacific Rim - are used to
investigate a variety of approaches to the utilisation and control of the
natural environment. Within this geographical framework we trace the problems
of urban-industrial growth in first world countries in Australasia, Asia and
the Americas; compare and contrast the special needs of the Newly
Industrialising Countries with the more fragile economies of the Pacific
Islands; consider the possibility of sustainable exploitation of natural
resources throughout the region; and investigate the population and migration
question. Australia's expanding links and greater role in the region provide an
underlying theme.
Assessment Written (3500 words): 60% + Examination (2 hours): 40%
Recommended texts
- Adams W M Green development: Environment and sustainability in the Third
World Routledge, 1990
- Barr N and Cary N Greening a brown land: The Australian search for
sustainable land use Macmillan, 1992
- Brookfield H and Byron Y South East Asia's environmental future: The
search for sustainability OUP, 1993
- Cooper D E and Palmer J A The environment in question: Ethics and global
issues Routledge, 1992
- Harrison P The third revolution: Population, environment and a
sustainable world Penguin, 1993
- Mercer D C A question of balance: Natural resources conflict issues in
Australia 2nd edn, Federation Press, 1995
- Saeger J The state of the environment atlas Penguin, 1995
- Turner R K and others Environmental economics: An elementary
introduction Harvester, 1994
- World Bank World development report 1992: Development and the
environment OUP, 1992
- World Resources Institute World resources 1994-95: A guide to the global
environment - people and the environment OUP, 1994
| Subjects - metropolitan campuses
| Arts Undergraduate Handbook
| Monash handbooks
| Monash University