Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Soils, land use and the environment
P Bishop and G Goldrick
4 points + 3 hours per week on average (2 lectures and 1 lecture + 3 hour
practical in alternate weeks) + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: A
first-year sequence in geography, or permission of head
Synopsis This subject introduces soils and their management through the
following topics: the constituents of soils, soil-forming processes and models
of soil formation, soil characteristics and soil classification, and the
principal issues in the management of Australian soils. By the end of the
course, students must be able to use the standard soil classification schemes
currently in use in Australia (Northcote and Isbell). In the management section
of the unit, particular emphasis is placed on relating the management issues to
pedogenesis and soils characteristics, rather than treating these two aspects
in isolation from each other. The human dimension of soil management issues is
introduced towards the end of the unit.
Assessment Written 2000 words: 40% + Examination (1.5 hours): 50% +
Practical work/fieldwork: 10%
Prescribed texts
- Notes to be purchased from department at start of subject
- McDonald R C and others Australian soil and land survey field
handbook 2nd edn, Inkata Press, 1990
Recommended texts
- Chisholm A and Dumsday R Land degradation: Problems and policies
CUP, 1987
- Gerrard A J Soils and landforms Allen and Unwin, 1981
- Gunn R H Australian soils and land survey handbook: Guidelines for
conducting surveys Inkata Press, 1988
- Lawrence G and others Agriculture, environment and society
Macmillan, 1992
- McTainsh G H and Boughton W C Land Degradation processes in
Australia Longman Cheshire, 1993
- Paton T R The formation of soil material Allen and Unwin, 1978
| Subjects - metropolitan campuses
| Arts Undergraduate Handbook
| Monash handbooks
| Monash University