Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Geographical perspectives on development in the third world

S Legg

6 points + 4 hours per week + Second semester + Peninsula

Synopsis The aim of this subject is to introduce students to selected aspects of socioeconomic development in the third world. The subject begins with a consideration of the multifaceted notion of development, means of measuring it, and various strategies for its achievement. A major emphasis is on resource management, and the issue of the sustainability, appropriateness and impact of development (particularly on the natural environment). The history of development from the colonial era provides a context, but the major emphasis is on the nature of contemporary third world economies and societies. The investigation ranges through economic, political, and sociological aspects of development. This includes various international and intra-regional relationships. Special emphasis is placed upon the urban, rural and industrial sectors in third world countries, using case studies taken from Africa, Asia, South America and the Pacific. A booklet will be supplied to each student detailing all aspects of the subject, including references and assessment.

Assessment Written (2500 words): 40% + Examinations (2 hours): 40% + Tutorial paper: 20%

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