Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


French language IIIA

J Birnberg

4 points + 2 hours per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: FRN2100

Synopsis (i) Writing practice: Varied exercises (translations, commentaries, rédactions, résumés) based on a variety of up-to-date materials. The material will be thematically organised. (ii) Oral practice: thematically organised class activities linked to the themes and documentation for writing practice with the addition of audio and audio-visual material. Varied activities are included, such as simulation exercises, debating the results of surveys, interviews, statistical and other research.

Assessment Writing practice - the semester's work and two class tests: 60% + Oral practice - the semester's work: 30% + Final oral test: 10%

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| Subjects - metropolitan campuses | Arts Undergraduate Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University