Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Introduction to Asian civilisations, part 1

I Copland, M Godley and A Buzo

6 points + First semester + Clayton + Prohibitions: HSY1050

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide students with a grounding in the history, society and culture of Asia in the premodern period, with particular reference to the great civilisations of India, China and Southeast Asia. Inter alia, we will look at what the archaeological evidence says about the antiquity of Asian civilisation; at the rise of cities, kingdoms and empires; at the origin and development of India's unique caste system; at the expansion of Buddhism; at the evolution of China's Confucian bureaucracy; at the coming of Islam to island (but not mainland) Southeast Asia; and of Asia's extraordinary pioneering achievements in the realm of science and technology. Lectures and tutorials will focus on the big picture, providing thereby a broad, connected survey of Asian civilisations from antiquity to the dawn of European maritime imperialism in the 16th century; but students will have the opportunity, in essay work, to specialise on areas and themes of their choice.

Assessment Written (2500 words): 60% + Examinations (2 hours): 30% + Seminar participation/class participation: 10%

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