Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Japanese studies

The Department of Japanese Studies offers courses in the Japanese language and in Japanese studies.


Japanese language

Students majoring in the Japanese language should graduate with the ability to interact in meaningful ways with Japanese people in Japanese both in the spoken language (speaking/listening) and in the written language (reading/writing), although proficiency levels will differ according to the stream in which students enrol. Students will acquire the knowledge, intellectual capabilities, competencies and attitudes necessary for interacting with a range of Japanese people. The ability to interact in Japanese requires not only the mastery of language skills in the traditional sense (including competence in the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of the language), but also an understanding of the cultural rules for communicating and a broad knowledge of the social, cultural, economic and political context in which Japanese think and behave. In addition to these quantifiable properties, students who major in Japanese will also learn to think critically. At the higher levels, students will develop an ability to discern the competing intellectual positions which will define life in Japan at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Japanese studies

Students majoring in Japanese studies should acquire an accurate and up-to-date understanding of Japan with a special emphasis on Australia-Japan relations. Such an understanding is seen as integral to utilising the language in a practical way, it is also seen as being fundamental to any appreciation of the larger global changes which are increasingly defining Australia's choices. In other words, Japan and Australia cannot be understood without reference to the world and to the other country's internationlisation. While in the past it was almost impossible to gain a sophisticated knowledge of Japan without a high level of fluency in the language, today there is a substantial English-language literature on Japan. The department is thus able to offer a wide range of subjects which introduce both the language major and the non-language major, giving students the opportunity to assess the Japanese experience and place it into the wider context of the changing world.

Students majoring in Japanese studies obtain more than just a factual knowledge of Japan. To understand Japan in terms of the global trends which are increasingly shaping Japan and Australia, students will have:

+ an exposure to many of the theories about social and cultural change and the political economic development;

+ an ability to assess and compare the `Japanese model' against the more general East Asian and Western models, the Australian experience and a range of social arrangements seen as being desirable for the future;

+ the methodological sophistication necessary to gather and generate new data about Japan, to identify new developments critical to Australia's relations with Japan, and to arrive at independent conclusions about various social phenomena;

+ a sensitivity to the images and attitudes which shape Australian perspectives of Japan and Japanese views of Australia and the ability to distinguish the stereotype from reality;

+ the skills to think critically and to articulate views about Japan.

Students with a major in Japanese studies should be able to think laterally in coming up with multiple `win-win responses' to Japan's growing presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Realising best possible outcomes for students

Responding to the student's quest for knowledge and a meaningful career are critical to the department's approach to learning. To impart the skills and knowledge outlined above, it is important to have staff who are familiar with Japan. Staff in the department either are native speakers of Japanese or have spent extended periods in Japan. Most staff publish both in English and in Japanese.

Interactive teaching maximises the extent to which students use the language. Rather than limiting its use to artificial situations (eg drills and other exercises), the Japanese language is used to teach and to communicate with students in the offices and hallways of the department. Contact with Japanese people is also important. In addition to maximising the opportunities for students to have contacts with Japan and Japanese in language and studies subjects, the department organises a half-year program in Japan for honours students and has active exchange programs with nearly ten universities in Japan. The programs in Japan are carefully constructed to combine language learning with research projects. Learning in the department is vigorously supported by the Monash Japanese Club, a voluntary organisation of students which promotes the study of Japan and the language through a variety of activities.


In order to acquire competence to interact with the Japanese, it is necessary to know: (i) how to produce correct sentences - which is the object of traditional language teaching; (ii) when to use such sentences and other means of communication in encounters with the Japanese, and (iii) the way Japanese think and behave.

All of the above are taught in the department. The department's courses are integrated in various ways. `Japanese language' subjects (which teach mostly language and communication), include components dealing with Japanese culture and society. `Japanese studies' subjects (which concentrate on the understanding of Japanese culture and society) include components directly useful in mastering the rules of language.

Two types of major sequences and two minor sequences are offered in the department. The Japanese language major/minor consists of `Japanese language' subjects. In the faculty nomenclature these subjects are prefixed with `JPL'. The Japanese studies major/minor consists of `Japanese studies' subjects prefixed with `JPS', but some subjects in `Japanese language' can also be included. For details see below.

Students who intend to work in the area of Australia-Japan relations are advised to complete a Japanese language major as well as a Japanese studies major. Selected students doing the major sequence in the Japanese language and the major sequence in Japanese studies will be able to complete the last semester of the BA program in Japan. According to current faculty regulations it is required that the major sequence in Japanese studies be accompanied by a minor in the Japanese language.

Students can satisfy the faculty requirement of one major and one minor sequence for the BA degree by taking a major either in the `Japanese language' or in `Japanese Studies' and a minor in the other.

Japanese language

The language program is designed to be flexible in terms of levels, streams, content and modes.


The department currently provides instruction in the Japanese language at five levels, from level A (beginners) to level E (advanced). Students will be placed in classes appropriate to their ability, which will vary according to their previous study (at school and at other institutions) and their experience in Japan. First-year students commence their study at level A (the beginners level, those with no previous study of Japanese), at level B (those with VCE level Japanese proficiency), or at level C (those with more advanced competence).

Students who have successfully completed a substantial part of their schooling in the Japanese education system are normally not eligible to enrol in Japanese language subjects. However, such students may complete a major in Japanese studies (see under Japanese studies).


Once a student's starting point is determined, he or she will progress in a designated stream. Those starting in level A will be in the basic Japanese stream and will proceed through levels A (first year), B (second year) and C (third year). Those starting in level B will be in the intermediate stream and will proceed through levels B (first year), C (second year) and D (third year). Those starting at level C will be in the advanced stream and will proceed through levels C (first year), D (second year), and E (third year).

At the third year, the department also offers subjects in reading Japanese texts and fieldwork methods for doing research on topics related to Japan and to Australia-Japan relations. Beyond level D the department offers a variety of subjects which are listed in the handbook for postgraduate students but include newspaper Japanese, administrative and business Japanese and tourism Japanese.

Students who come to Monash with an advanced level of oral/aural competency and substantial experience in Japan are encouraged to join the accelerated advanced stream. This stream is designed for students who have high aural and oral competencies but have weakness in reading and writing skills. The objective of this program is to bring students to a near-native level in all four macro skills after completing the major by providing accelerated training in the Japanese written language while further developing their already acquired skills in spoken language. Students need to pass a special placement test and to obtain an approval from the coordinator to enrol in this stream.


In the core language course, students can choose to study either comprehensive Japanese or business Japanese.

The comprehensive Japanese program provides students with basic skills in Japanese and knowledge about Japanese culture and society. Topics and situations are carefully selected to suit students' needs in interacting with the Japanese.

The business Japanese program has been designed to expose students to particular business situations and to develop more fully the occupation-specific skills which Japanese graduates need for employment in Japanese firms or in positions requiring frequent interaction with Japanese businessmen, administrative personnel and other officials.

In order to equip students with basic skills in Japanese and wider knowledge about Japanese culture and society, the business stream is not differentiated at the beginners levels (levels A and B). Business aspects are introduced from level C so that students are able to apply and consolidate their basic skills and knowledge acquired in comprehensive Japanese at levels A and B.

The department also offers specialised subjects to meet the needs of students doing combined degrees. Japanese for engineers and scientists and tourism Japanese are examples.


Students are able to choose between three different modes of study: the on-campus mode, the off-campus or distance education mode and the in-Japan mode (normally for up to one semester) which require different amounts of classroom time on the campus. The same textbooks are used in the first two modes, and the same levels of proficiency are targeted in all modes. Students may switch back and forth between modes, and may choose their mode of study on a semester-by-semester basis.

On-campus mode (offered at Clayton and Peninsula campuses)

Students attend weekly lectures and tutorials, and learn through interacting with teachers and Japanese people in the classroom. Most of the language subjects offered by the department are in this mode.

Off-campus mode

Language subjects in beginners to intermediate levels (levels A-C) are offered in both the on-campus and off-campus modes. The off-campus mode of study provides students with more flexibility in managing their time. A large study manual is available to guide students through each lesson. There are no weekly lectures or tutorials to attend. Students are expected to work on their own using materials provided, and are required to submit weekly assignments and to attend three full-day Saturday workshops per semester at the Clayton campus. A tutor will be available on the phone line to assist students experiencing difficulty. The same content and standard as the on-campus equivalent subject is maintained. Students are reminded that a lot of self-discipline are necessary to successfully complete off-campus study.

In-Japan mode

The department has been active in developing exchanges with a large number of Japanese institutions. While each exchange has its own features, collectively they provide a wide range of opportunities for students to study in Japan. The credit arrangements vary and need to be clearly stipulated in the department before a student can be assured of credits. Normally students will be allowed to do subjects in the Japanese language and in Japanese studies which are equivalent to one semester's study. The subjects JPL3990/4990 (Language study abroad) can be taken in Japan as a substitute for up to one semester length core course in the Japanese language.

First-year sequences in Japanese

The following pairs of first-year subjects are offered as acceptable first-year sequences and satisfy the prerequisites for admission to second-year level in Japanese and Japanese studies:

For students with no prior knowledge

Clayton campus

+ JPL1110 and JPL1120 (comprehensive), or JPL1130 and JPL1140 (business)

Peninsula campus

+ JBL1010 and JBL1020 (business)


+ JPL1150 and JPL1160

For post-VCE level

Clayton campus

+ JPL1210 and JPL1220 (comprehensive), or JPL1230 and JPL1240 (business)

Peninsula campus

+ JBL1030 and JBL1040 (business)


+ JPL1250 and JPL1260

For advanced students

Clayton campus

+ Accelerated program or other advanced level language subjects depending on the result of a placement test

Students are encouraged to take both language and Japanese studies subjects at first-year level.

Major and minor sequences

Students may complete a major or minor sequence in the Japanese language by proceeding through any of the four streams.

A major sequence in Japanese language consists of three years' study in any of the following streams. Students taking a major in Japanese language must select two further four-point subjects in addition to the third-year language subjects which are identified in the streams designated above: JPL3750 (Reading Japanese texts A) and JPL3752 (Reading Japanese texts B) each worth four points, or JPL3070 (Theory and research in Japanese studies A) and JPL3090 (Theory and research in Japanese studies B) each worth four points, or a combination of these. Students enrolled in the Arts/Engineering or Arts/Science double degree programs may substitute one of the above with JPL3610 (Japanese for engineers and scientists). JPL3070 and JPL3090 are the normal prerequisites for doing honours.

Acceptable minor sequences in Japanese language comprise the first and second year of the major sequences outlined below.

Students commencing at beginners level

Clayton campus

+ First year: JPL1110 and JPL1120 (comprehensive), or JPL1130 and JPL1140 (business)

+ Second year: JPL2210 and JPL2220 (comprehensive), or JPL2230 and JPL2240 (business)

+ Third year: JPL3310 and JPL3320 (comprehensive), or JPL3330 and JPL3340 (business) plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Peninsula campus

+ First year: JBL1010 and JBL1020 (business)

+ Second year: JBL2010 and JBL2020 (business)

+ Third year: JBL3010 and JBL3020 (business) plus two more four-point-subjects as described above

Off-campus mode

+ First year: JPL1150 and JPL1160

+ Second year: JPL2250 and JPL2260

+ Third year: JPL3350 and JPL3360 plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Commencement at post-VCE level

Clayton campus

+ First year: JPL1210 and JPL1220 (comprehensive), or JPL1230 and JPL1240 (business)

+ Second year: JPL2310 and JPL2320 (comprehensive), or JPL2330 and JPL2340 (business)

+ Third year: JPL3410 and JPL3420 plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Peninsula campus

+ First year: JBL1030 and JBL1040 (business)

+ Second year: JBL2030 and JBL2040 (business)

+ Third year: JPL3410 and JPL3420 (offered at Clayton campus) plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Off-campus mode

+ First year: JPL1250 and JPL1260

+ Second year: JPL2350 and JPL2360

+ Third year: JPL3410 and JPL3420 (on-campus only); plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Commencement at an advanced level

Clayton campus

+ First year: JPL1310 and JPL1320 (comprehensive), or JPL1330 and JPL1340 (business)

+ Second year: JPL2410 and JPL2420

+ Third year: JPL3510 and JPL3520 plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Peninsula campus

+ First year: JBL1050 and JBL1060 (business)

+ Second year: JPL2410 and JPL2420 (offered at Clayton campus)

+ Third year: JPL3510 and JPL3520 (offered at Clayton campus) plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Off-campus mode

+ First year: JPL1350 and JPL1360;

+ Second year: JPL2410 and JPL2420 (on-campus only)

+ Third year: JPL3510 and JPL3520 (on-campus only) plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Commencement at a more advanced level: accelerated advanced stream

Clayton campus

+ First year: JPL1710 and JPL1720

+ Second year: JPL2810 and JPL2820

+ Third year: JPL3910 and JPL3920 plus two more four-point subjects as described above

Subject to the approval of the head of department, language study in Japan can be taken instead of one semester of language study in any of the above language streams.

Caulfield campus

Caulfield students may enrol in subjects offered at the Clayton or Peninsula campuses, or the off-campus units which do not require weekly attendance on campus (see above).

Japanese studies

Two subjects form the first-year sequence in Japanese studies: JPS1070 (Sources of contemporary Japanese culture and society) and JPS1090 (Understanding contemporary Japan). Together these subjects provide a broad introduction to a number of aspects of Japanese culture and society. After the first-year sequence a large number of subjects are available in three streams. The social science subjects include JPS2110/3110 (Japanese society) and JPS2810/3810 (Australia-Japan social relations) (only one of these subjects will be offered in any one year); JPS2190/3190 (Japanese economics) and JPS2910/3910 (Australia-Japan economic relations) (only one of these subjects will be offered in any one year); JPS2210/3210 (History of Japanese science and technology) and JPS2710/3710 (History of Australia-Japan relations) (only one of these will be offered in any one year); HSY2210/3210 (Japan: origins to 1800) and HSY2220/3220 (Japan: 1800 to the present). The linguistics subjects include JPS2590/3590 (Japanese linguistics) and JPS2130/3130 (Japanese sociolinguistics) (only one of these will be offered annually) and JPS2530/3530 (Introduction to the teaching of Japanese as a foreign language). The literature and culture subjects include JPS2150/3150 (Japanese culture) and JPS2160/3160 (Japanese popular culture) (only one of these subjects will be offered in any one year); JPS2570/3570 (Modern Japanese literature); DTS2050/3050 (Asian theatre: an introduction) and MUS3880 (Music of China, Japan and Korea). PLT2200 (State and society in modern Japan) is offered to second-year students only. JPS3071 (Theory and research in Japanese studies A); JPS3072 (Theory and research in Japanese studies B); JPS3081 (Critical debate in contemporary Japan A); JPS3082 (Critical debate in contemporary Japan B); MUS3880 and PLT3860 (America, Japan and China: Asian-Pacific competitors?) are offered to third-year students only.

First-year sequences in Japanese studies

The following pairs of first-year subjects are offered as acceptable first-year sequences and satisfy the prerequisites for admission to second-year level in Japanese studies:

+ JPS1070 and JPS1090 or JPS1010 and JPS1020

+ any first-year Japanese language sequence such as JPL1110 and JPL1120,

+ a combination of any Japanese language subject in first semester and one first-year Japanese studies subject (JPS1020, JPS1070 or JPS1090).


Applicants to the honours program in the fourth year must have completed with marks of credit or better Japanese language subjects to the value of twenty-four points at second and third-year levels combined, of which sixteen must be at third-year level. The completion of JPL3070/JPS3071 (Theory and research in Japanese studies A) and JPL3090/JPS3072 (Theory and research in Japanese studies B), and eight points in Japanese studies subjects at the second or third-year level is also required.

However, intending honours students are strongly encouraged to complete, along with the Japanese language major, JPS1070 (Sources of contemporary Japanese culture and society) and JPS1090 (Understanding contemporary Japan) in their first year and at least sixteen points in Japanese studies subjects during their second and third year. Combined honours may be taken in Japanese studies and another discipline provided that all honours requirements are met in both disciplines and the program is approved by the heads of both departments. Mid-year entry is not offered by this department. Students who have completed honours may proceed to a Graduate Diploma of Arts, a variety of MA programs (by coursework, coursework and minor thesis, or by major thesis) and to the PhD. For details consult the graduate studies handbook.

Graduate diplomas

Any of the three graduate diplomas in the department may be taken by students who have obtained a bachelors degree or otherwise have the equivalent preparation. Language prerequisites for individual diplomas differ, and applicants should consult the department for further information. The Graduate Diploma of Arts can be taken in Japanese studies, Japanese business communication and applied Japanese linguistics.

MA by coursework

Students who satisfy conditions for the honours program may also enrol for part 1 of a two-year MA program. Part 2 of the program is usually completed in the second year. These programs are available on a full-time or part-time basis. Four MA programs are run in the department. The MA in Japanese studies, the MA in Japanese business communication, the MA in applied Japanese linguistics and the MA in Japanese interpreting and translation. For postgraduate subjects offered by the department, please refer to the Arts graduate handbook for 1996 or to the postgraduate course brochure which is available from the department.

Clayton and distance education subjects

Japanese language

First-year level

+ JPL1110 Comprehensive Japanese IA: part 1

+ JPL1120 Comprehensive Japanese IA: part 2

+ JPL1130 Business Japanese IA: part 1

+ JPL1140 Business Japanese IA: part 2

+ JPL1150 Comprehensive Japanese IA, off-campus: part 1

+ JPL1160 Comprehensive Japanese IA, off-campus: part 2

+ JPL1210 Comprehensive Japanese IB: part 1

+ JPL1220 Comprehensive Japanese IB: part 2

+ JPL1230 Business Japanese IB: part 1

+ JPL1240 Business Japanese IB: part 2

+ JPL1250 Comprehensive Japanese IB, off-campus: part 1

+ JPL1260 Comprehensive Japanese IB, off-campus: part 2

+ JPL1310 Comprehensive Japanese IC: part 1

+ JPL1320 Comprehensive Japanese IC: part 2

+ JPL1330 Business Japanese IC: part I

+ JPL1340 Business Japanese IC: part 2

+ JPL1350 Comprehensive Japanese IC, off-campus: part 1

+ JPL1360 Comprehensive Japanese IC, off-campus: part 2

+ JPL1710 Accelerated Japanese I: part 1

+ JPL1720 Accelerated Japanese I: part 2

Second-year level

+ JPL2210 Comprehensive Japanese IIB: part 1

+ JPL2220 Comprehensive Japanese IIB: part 2

+ JPL2230 Business Japanese IIB: part 1

+ JPL2240 Business Japanese IIB: part 2

+ JPL2250 Comprehensive Japanese IIB, off-campus: part 1

+ JPL2260 Comprehensive Japanese IIB, off-campus: part 2

+ JPL2310 Comprehensive Japanese IIC: part 1

+ JPL2320 Comprehensive Japanese IIC: part 2

+ JPL2330 Business Japanese IIC: part 1

+ JPL2340 Business Japanese IIC: part 2

+ JPL2350 Comprehensive Japanese IIC, off-campus: part 1

+ JPL2360 Comprehensive Japanese IIC, off-campus: part 2

+ JPL2410 Japanese IID: part 1

+ JPL2420 Japanese IID: part 2

+ JPL2810 Accelerated Japanese II: part 1

+ JPL2820 Accelerated Japanese II: part 2

Third-year level

+ JPL3070 Theory and research in Japanese studies A

+ JPL3090 Theory and research in Japanese studies B

+ JPL3310 Comprehensive Japanese IIIC: part 1

+ JPL3320 Comprehensive Japanese IIIC: part 2

+ JPL3330 Business Japanese IIIC: part 1

+ JPL3340 Business Japanese IIIC: part 2

+ JPL3350 Comprehensive Japanese IIIC, off-campus: part 1

+ JPL3360 Comprehensive Japanese IIIC, off-campus: part 2

+ JPL3410 Japanese IIID: part 1

+ JPL3420 Japanese IIID: part 2

+ JPL3510 Japanese IIIE: part 1

+ JPL3520 Japanese IIIE: part 2

+ JPL3610 Japanese for engineers and scientists

+ JPL3750 Reading Japanese texts A

+ JPL3752 Reading Japanese texts B

+ JPL3910 Accelerated Japanese III: part 1

+ JPL3920 Accelerated Japanese III: part 2

+ JPL3990 Language study abroad program

Fourth-year honours subjects

+ JPL4440 Japanese IV

+ JPL4460 Fourth-year special course A

+ JPL4470 Fourth-year special course B: part 1

+ JPL4480 Fourth-year special course B: part 2

+ JPL4990 Language study abroad program

Japanese studies

First-year level

+ JPS1070 Sources of contemporary Japanese culture and society

+ JPS1090 Understanding contemporary Japan

Second-year level

+ JPS2110 Japanese

+ JPS2130 Japanese sociolinguistics (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS2150 Japanese culture

+ JPS2160 Japanese popular culture (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS2190 Japanese economics

+ JPS2210 History of Japanese science and technology (proposed to be offered next in 1998)

+ JPS2530 Introduction to the teaching of Japanese as a foreign language

+ JPS2570 Modern Japanese literature

+ JPS2590 Japanese linguistics

+ JPS2710 History of Australia-Japan relations (proposed to be offered next in 1998)

+ JPS2810 Australia-Japan social relations (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS2910 Australia-Japan economic relations

+ DTS2050 Asian theatre: an introduction

+ HSY2210 Japan: origins to 1800

+ HSY2220 Japan: 1800 to the present

+ PLT2200 State and society in modern Japan

Third-year level

+ DTS3050 Asian theatre: an introduction

+ JPS3071 Theory and research in Japanese studies A

+ JPS3072 Theory and research in Japanese studies B

+ JPS3081 Critical debate in contemporary Japan A

+ JPS3082 Critical debate in contemporary Japan B

+ JPS3110 Japanese society

+ JPS3130 Japanese sociolinguistics (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS3150 Japanese culture

+ JPS3160 Japanese popular culture (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS3190 Japanese economics

+ JPS3210 History of Japanese science and technology (proposed to be offered next in 1998)

+ JPS3530 Introduction to the teaching of Japanese as a foreign language

+ JPS3570 Modern Japanese literature

+ JPS3590 Japanese linguistics

+ JPS3710 History of Australia-Japan relations (proposed to be offered next in 1998)

+ JPS3810 Australia-Japan social relations (proposed to be offerred next in 1997)

+ JPS3910 Australia-Japan economic relations

+ HSY3210 Japan: origins to 1800

+ HSY3220 Japan: 1800 to the present

+ MUS3880 Music of China, Japan and Korea

+ PLT3860 America, Japan and China: Asian-Pacific competitors?

Peninsula subjects

+ JBL1010 Business Japanese 1A

+ JBL1020 Business Japanese 2A

+ JBL1030 Business Japanese 1B

+ JBL1040 Business Japanese 2B

+ JBL1050 Business Japanese 1C

+ JBL1060 Business Japanese 2C

+ JBL2010 Business Japanese 3B

+ JBL2020 Business Japanese 4B

+ JBL2030 Business Japanese 3C

+ JBL2040 Business Japanese 4C

+ JBL3010 Business Japanese 5C

+ JBL3020 Business Japanese 6C

Caulfield subjects

+ JPS1010 Introduction to Japanese communication

+ JPS1020 Understanding contemporary Japan

| Details of studies - metropolitan campuses Part 1 | Arts Undergraduate handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University