Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Human services

Bachelor of Human Services

Course leader: George Clarke

This course is designed to provide a sound understanding of the human services field and of the major theoretical ideas and practice paradigms appropriate to the delivery of human services in a wide range of situations. It seeks to prepare graduates for employment in a rapidly changing environment in which flexibility of thinking and the capacity to develop and implement innovative programs are required.

The program is articulated with TAFE Social and Community Services courses and will enable holders of advanced certificates and associate diplomas to build upon their existing knowledge, skills and qualifications while remaining in their chosen field of expertise.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed the Victorian Certificate of Education or equivalent. A number of places will be available to applicants who do not meet the minimum educational requirements but who have substantial experience in the field. These applicants will be required to undertake an entrance test.

Holders of associate diplomas in welfare studies or similar qualifications may apply for admission to the third year of the course.

Special requirements

In addition to making applications to VTAC, applicants must contact the Department of Social Work and Human Services (Caulfield campus) for a supplementary application form. After these have been reviewed, some applicants will be invited to attend a group discussion as part of the selection process.

Course structure

The course consists of a three-year sequence in human services as follows:

+ WEL1310 Human services: history and structures

+ WEL1320 Behavioural studies A

+ WEL1330 Human services: methods and values

+ WEL1340 Behavioural studies B

+ WEL1350 Law for human service workers

+ WEL2310 Human services: casework and groupwork

+ WEL2330 Human services: agency practice

+ WEL2350 Human services: fieldwork and practice A

+ WEL2370 Human services: fieldwork and practice B

+ WEL2390 Practice skills for human service workers

+ WEL2410 Community work

+ WEL3110 Research methods for human services

+ WEL3130 Human services: field education

+ WEL3210 Program planning and evaluation*

+ WEL3220 Human service organisations*

+ WEL3310 Advanced practice skills for human services A

+ WEL3320 Advanced practice skills for human services B*

* An approved elective subject
may be substituted for any one
of these three subjects.                                     

In the first year of the course, students also undertake a two-semester sequence in sociology:

+ SCY1051 Introduction to sociology 1

+ SCY1061 Introduction to sociology 2

In addition, first-year students may choose an elective subject from any discipline.

The first-year-level sequence WEL1320 (Behavioural studies A) and WEL1340 (Behavioural studies B) is available to Bachelor of Arts students. These subjects may not be taken in conjunction with first-year psychology subjects but may be included in the compulsory ninety-two `Arts' points (see subjects in List A (I) in this handbook) for the Arts degree.

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