Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


The Bachelor of Arts (Languages) degree

In a multi-cultural Australia which is carefully reviewing its relation to Asia and the rest of the world, languages have come to play an increasingly important role in everyday communication and in defining Australia. Through the Bachelor of Arts (Languages) the university recognises the importance for people who are to function in a global, multicultural setting in the twenty-first century of having a deep knowledge of languages, both as systems and in their socio-cultural contexts. The proposed program will attract students who wish to develop skills and experience in second language acquisition and communication that can also be utilised in subsequently learning/studying other languages and in careers requiring highly developed language skills in Australia and overseas.


Students completing the degree should be:

+ able to function effectively in their target languages;

+ able to understand the role of language in society;

+ familiar with critical aspects of language policy;

+ able to assess a variety of strategies for teaching and acquiring second languages; and

+ able to work with `constrastive' and differing approaches to the study of languages.


The course of study leading to the BA (Languages) consists of four components:

(1) A `deep major sequence' in one language, (including the major sequence in the language discipline (fifty-two points) and further subjects providing a socio-cultural context for users of the language (sixteen points),

(2) either a minor sequence in another language, in European studies or in Asian studies (twenty-eight points),

(3) a minor in linguistics (twenty-eight points), and

(4) two four-point seminars, designed to cap the degree in the third year (eight points).

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