Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


There is a two-year sequence of subjects from the Department of Econometrics available to Arts students on the Clayton campus. The subjects offered are set out below. There is no honours level work in econometrics in the Faculty of Arts. Students wishing to undertake honours work in this and related fields of economics will do their studies in the Faculty of Business and Economics.

All students enrolling in subjects taught by the Department of Econometrics must have their enrolment approved by an adviser in the office of the Faculty of Business and Economics. A quota is imposed on ECM1020 and ECM1031 (Business and economic statistics), and students will not normally be permitted to enrol unless they obtain a VCE score at least equivalent to that required for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Economics course and satisfy the necessary mathematics prerequisite, or have other qualifications which would normally meet the admission requirements. Restrictions on enrolments and prerequisites are:

First year

+ ECM1020

+ One of ECM1031 (prerequisite or corequisite ECM1020) or ECM1032 (prerequisite or corequisite ECM1020)

Second year

+ ECM2400 Econometrics (prerequisite the equivalent of ECM1031) or ECM2410 Practical econometrics (prerequisite the equivalent of ECM1031 or a credit in the equivalent of ECM1032)

+ ECM2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics (prequisite the equivalent of ECM1031 or a credit in the equivalent of ECM1032)

+ ECM2430 Actuarial statistics (prerequisite the equivalent of ECM1031)

+ ECM2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics (prerequisite the equivalent of ECM1031 or a credit in the equivalent of ECM1032)

+ ECM2480 Decision models for managers (prerequisite the equivalent of ECM1031 or ECM1032)

+ ECM2490 Business simulation (prerequisite the equivalent of ECM1031 or a credit in the equivalent of ECM1032)

For details of course content and reference books for these subjects, students should consult the entry for the Department of Econometrics in the handbook for the Faculty of Business and Economics. First-year level ECM subjects have a weighting of six points and each second-year level subject has a weighting of eight points towards the BA degree.

Subjects offered

First-year level

+ ECM1020 Business and economic statistics

+ ECM1031 Business and economic statistics, sequence 1

+ ECM1032 Business and economic statistics, sequence 2

Second-year level

+ ECM2400 Econometrics

+ ECM2410 Practical econometrics

+ ECM2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics

+ ECM2430 Actuarial statistics

+ ECM2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics

+ ECM2480 Decision models for managers

+ ECM2490 Business simulation

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