Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Asian languages and studies

The Department of Asian Languages and Studies currently teaches seven languages: Cambodian (Khmer), Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Malaysian, Thai and Vietnamese, as well as sequences in Chinese studies, Indonesian studies, Korean studies and Thai studies. Students may complete major sequences and honours in Chinese and Indonesian, major sequences in Korean, Thai and Vietnamese, and a minor sequence in Cambodian. Students may also complete major sequences in Chinese studies and Indonesian studies combining subjects offered by the Department of Asian Languages and Studies with subjects offered by other departments, as well as minor sequences in Korean studies and Thai studies. Malaysian, Javanese, Sundanese and Classical Malay are third-year options in the Indonesian/Malay stream. The Department of Asian Languages and Studies also offers an advanced subject in Malaysian. Students desiring to complete honours in languages other than Chinese and Indonesian may complete an honours degree in Asian languages and studies provided staff are available in the required areas. Combined honours may be taken in the Department of Asian Languages and Studies and another discipline. Mid-year entry is usually possible. The honours coordinator is Dr Barbara Hatley.



In this department teaching occurs in a number of different language areas, organised under two sections:

1. Southeast Asian, including Indonesian, Malay, Javanese and Sundanese, Thai, Vietnamese and Cambodian;

2. East Asian, including Chinese and Korean;

While course structures differ from language to language, streaming caters for the needs of both beginners and post-Year 12 students, and in some cases those of native speaker or comparable status.

As well as language subjects, the department offers Asian studies subjects, also available as part of a major sequence in a particular language.

Sequences are structured in such a way that the student progresses from elementary to more advanced skills over the period of the course.

Teaching and learning

Central to our objectives is linguistic competence, defined in terms of the four active and passive skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These are developed progressively. It is recognised that language is part of culture, and that language use takes place in a social setting. These facts have implications for teaching:

+ Language teaching aims to develop the ability to communicate effectively. This means that students learn to apply their skills in an appropriate manner, becoming aware of register, language levels, etiquette and issues important to the relevant speech community.

+ The linguistic products of a given culture represent an expression of its aesthetic norms and ideals, as they change over time, and hence these form an object of analysis and appreciation, introduced at appropriate levels.

+ Teaching and learning take place within an established scholarly tradition, which has developed over time and has world-wide links. Students become aware of their place in this tradition, of current thinking within it, and of the contribution they can make to it.

+ Upon graduation, students will be able to apply the insights and skills acquired during their study of an Asian language in order to enhance their personal development and make a positive contribution to their chosen profession and to the nation.

Asian studies

The Department of Asian Languages and Studies offers a first-year sequence in Asian studies: ASN1010 and ASN1020 (Introduction to Asian civilisations, parts 1 and 2). This subject is the first-year sequence for major and minor sequences in Chinese studies and Indonesian studies, and the first-year sequence for minor sequences in Korean studies and Thai studies.

First-year level

+ ASN1010 Introduction to Asian civilisations, part 1

+ ASN1020 Introduction to Asian civilisations, part 2

The Department of Asian Languages and Studies has honours programs in Chinese and Indonesian/Malay. It also offers honours in Asian languages and studies for students specialising in other languages. While honours in Asian languages and studies is available each year, students should be aware that the Department of Asian Languages and Studies cannot guarantee an honours program in each language. Interested students should consult with the head of the Department of Asian Languages and Studies.

Fourth-year level

+ ASN4929 Dissertation

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