Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

American studies

Students wishing to make a specialist study of the history, politics, and culture of the United States as part of their BA degree can do so within the interdisciplinary Centre for American Studies. In 1995, the centre will offer one interdisciplinary subject AST2100/3100 (Dissent in American society) and a wide range of relevant subjects taught by contributing departments. You can include such subjects in your degree program in any of the following ways:

(1) As single subjects. You can choose any subject from the list below as a single subject simply for its point value. If you are enrolling in these subjects as single subjects with an American studies numbering, you may, with the permission of the head of the relevant department, be excused any normal prerequisites pertaining to them. For example, you can do AST2410/3410 (= ENH2410/3410 American literature - from puritanism to postmodernism) without the usual prerequisite of having completed a first-year sequence in English.

(2) As a minor sequence. You can choose the minor sequence for your degree by selecting twenty-eight points (normally sixteen points at second-year level and twelve points at third-year level) from the list below. Again, normal prerequisites for particular courses can be waived, with the permission of the head of the relevant department.

(3) As a major sequence. A major sequence in American studies is made up in the following pattern:

(a) A complete first-year sequence from one of the following disciplines relevant to American studies: history, English, politics, visual arts, geography, music.

(b) AST2100 (Dissent in American society). This is the core course for the American studies major. Eight points.

(c) Any configuration of the courses listed below to a total value of thirty-two points (normally another eight points at second-year level and twenty-four at third-year level).

For postgraduate courses offered by the Centre for American Studies, please refer to the Arts faculty graduate studies handbook for 1995.

The subjects listed below are offered only on the Clayton campus.

Centre for American Studies

+ AST2100/3100 Dissent in American society

Department of English

+ AST2410/3410 American literature - from puritanism to postmodernism

+ AST2430/3430 Modern American literature: writing the South (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

Department of Geography and Environmental Science

+ AST2290/3290 Society, nature and settlement in the New World

Department of History

+ AST2230/3230 Early America: the American people and the United States, 1492-1877 (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ AST2240/3240 Modern America: the American people and the United States, 1877-1960

+ AST2360/3360 Contemporary America: the United States and the American people, 1940-1992

Department of Music

+ AST2250/3250 Popular music

Department of Politics

+ AST2370/3370 America: decay of the liberal dream?

Department of Visual Arts

+ AST2130/3130 American and European postwar art, 1945 to the present

+ AST2150/3150 The other side of the avant-garde: twentieth century women's art history (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ AST2190/3190 Forms of narrative cinema

+ AST2310/3310 Modern architecture and urbanism, 1907-1968

+ AST2770/3770 Television studies (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

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