Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Discipline First-year Second-year Third-year level level level subjects subjects subjects Philosophy Introduction to philosophy A PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy B PHL1020 Rethinking bodies PHL3020 Introduction to philosophy C PHL1040 Philosophy of science A PHL1050 Freud and feminism PHL3050 Philosophy of science B PHL1060 Philosophy: life, death and morality PHL1070 Philosophy: time, self and freedom PHL1080 Introduction to logic PHL2090 Origins of modern philosophy PHL2110 Greek philosophy PHL2130 Ethics PHL2150 Symbolic logic PHL2170 Science: its nature and development PHL2210 Feminist philosophers PHL2230 Atoms and the solar system: two studies in ancient PHL2250 Greek science Introduction to aesthetics PHL2270 Recent philosophy PHL3310 Issues in political theory PHL2330 Moral psychology PHL3350 Contemporary moral problems PHL3370 History of philosophy: Kant PHL3390 Theory of knowledge PHL3410 Existentialism: the philosophy of J-P Sartre PHL2430 Political philosophy PHL3510 Recent logic PHL3570 Mind and meaning PHL3590 Philosophy of law PHL3610 Philosophy of mind PHL2650 PHL3650 Philosophy of religion PHL2670 Recent European philosophy PHL3750 Issues in logical theory PHL3790 Philosophy and the environment PHL3810 Business ethics PHL3830 Topics in Indian philosophy PHL2850 Science and society, knowledge and power PHL3870 Politics Australian politics and government PLT1020 The struggle for democracy PLT1030 Introduction to international relations PLT1040 Introduction to international relations PLT1042 Nature, law and revolution: political ideas in PLT1050 context Modernity in crisis: race, gender and democracy PLT1070 Confucianism, capitalism and culture: an PLT1080 introduction to the politics of East Asia Europe today: problems of integration PLT2080 Power and resistance in contemporary culture: sex, PLT1120 drugs and rock n' roll Progress and despair: modern political ideologies PLT2140 PLT3140 and theories Australia and Asia PLT1150 Australia and postmodernity PLT3160 Politics and the media in Australia PLT2170 Theories of representative democracy PLT2180 State and society in modern Japan PLT2200 Political sociology PLT2210 PLT3210 Political sociology PLT2211 Political sociology PLT3212 International political economy PLT2230 The impossible dream of European unity PLT3240 East Asia and the politics of difference PLT2250 PLT3250 The politics of work in Europe PLT3260 Australia and Asia PLT2290 Australia and Asia PLT2292 Australian constitutional democracy PLT3320 Political action and political sense PLT3330 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in PLT2340 PLT3340 conflict Post-industrial policies and politics PLT3350 Introduction to contemporary feminist theory PLT2360 PLT3360 America: decay of the liberal dream? PLT2370 PLT3370 Politics and Australian culture PLT3410 Victorian parliamentary internship PLT3440 Revolution, the state and the individual PLT3450 Politics of development PLT2470 PLT3470 Politics of the Middle East PLT2490 PLT3490 Politics of the Middle East PLT2491 PLT3491 Modern politicaltheory PLT2502 PLT3502 International relations PLT2511 PLT3511 Parties and power in Australia PLT2521 PLT3521 Introduction to Australian politics PLT1531 Introduction to Australian politics PLT1532 Political ideas PLT1541 Political ideas PLT1542 India: development and democracy PLT2581 PLT3581 India: development and democracy PLT2582 PLT3582 Politics research project PLT3601 Politics of labour PLT2621 PLT3621 China: revolution vs pragmatism PLT2630 PLT3630 China: revolution versus pragmatism PLT2631 PLT3631 Ethics and public policy PLT2661 PLT3661 Ethics and public policy PLT2662 PLT3662 Australian state politics PLT2700 PLT3700 Australian state politics PLT2701 PLT3701 Gender in Asian politics PLT2750 PLT3750 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European PLT2770 PLT3770 political thoughts Three conceptions of international relations PLT3790 Curbing the arms race: arms control and world PLT3850 politics America, Japan and China: Asian-Pacific competitors PLT3860 Power in Australia PLT2870 Empirical research and analysis PLT3890 Australian political economy PLT2910 PLT3910 Southeast Asian politics PLT3930 International ethics in a divided world PLT3950 Seeking a new world order: the US and international PLT2960 relations Australia and the world PLT3970 The politics of environmentalism PLT3990 Psychology Psychology: introductory A APY1010 Psychology: human development APY2010 Psychology in the industrial setting APY3010 Psychology: introductory B APY1020 Psychology: personality and interpersonal behaviour APY2020 Psychology: vocational development APY3020 Psychology: professional development APY3030 Psychology: theory and systems APY3040 Psychology: community psychology APY3050 Psychology and the law APY3060 Experiential introduction to counselling APY3070 Health psychology APY3080 Sports psychology APY3090 Psychology APY1910 Foundations of psychology PSY1011 Cognitive psychology and the origins of behaviour I PSY2011 Advanced experimental psychology I PSY3011 Processes and applications of psychology PSY1022 Cognitive psychology and the origins of behaviour II PSY2022 Advanced experimental psychology II PSY3022 Religion and theology Sociology of religion RLT2131 RLT3131 Sociology of religion RLT3290 The religious quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam RLT2470 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination RLT2480 Pursuing the millenium: dissent, apocalypse and the RLT2600 RLT3600 golden age Russian Introduction to Russian IA RUS1010 Introduction to Russian IB RUS1020 Advanced Russian IA RUS1070 Advanced Russian IB RUS1080 Russian IIA RUS2110 Russian IIB RUS2120 Russian IIIA RUS3210 Russian IIIB RUS3220 Advanced Russian IIA RUS2250 Advanced Russian IIB RUS2260 Slavic lexicology RUS2330 RUS3330 Russian syntax RUS3370 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: discourse of experience and RUS3410 alterity Russian studies Soviet literature and culture RSS1010 RSS2010 Post-Soviet literature and culture RSS1020 RSS2020 Russian nineteenth century literature and society RSS2090 RSS3090 Slavic studies Polish studies I/IA SLA1040 Polish studies II/1A SLA2040 Polish studies I/2A SLA1050 Polish studies II/2A SLA2050 Foundations of Slavic linguistics SLA2110 SLA3110 Slavic contrastive studies SLA3150 Belief and perception SLA2170 SLA3170 Modernism SLA2530 SLA3530 Comparative drama of the twentieth century SLA3810 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman SLA3830 The novel in Eastern Europe SLA2910 SLA3910 Language study abroad program SLA3400 Sociology Advanced sociology A.1 SCY3000 Advanced sociology A.2 SCY3001 Advanced sociology A.3 SCY3002 Advanced sociology B.1 SCY3003 Advanced sociology B.2 SCY3004 Advanced sociology B.3 SCY3005 Advanced sociology C.1 SCY3006 Advanced sociology C.2 SCY3007 Introduction to sociology I SCY1010 Class and power in contemporary Australia SCY2011 SCY3011 Power and cultural formation SCY2012 SCY3012 Introduction to sociology II SCY1020 Sociology of the mass media SCY2021 SCY3021 Sociology of the mass media SCY2022 SCY3022 Sexuality, gender and social relations SCY2031 SCY3031 Introduction to sociology I SCY1032 Sexuality, gender and social relations SCY2032 SCY3032 Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations SCY2041 SCY3041 Introduction to sociology II SCY1042 Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations SCY2042 SCY3042 Introduction to sociology I SCY1051 Genocide: totalitarianism, ideology and the SCY2051 SCY3051 individual Introduction to sociology II SCY1061 Sociology of the family SCY2071 SCY3071 Sociology of the family SCY2072 SCY3072 Organisation, management and economy SCY2082 SCY3082 Living in the suburbs: the economics of everyday life SCY2092 SCY3092 Sociological theory and methodology SCY2101 SCY3101 Sociological theory and methodology SCY2102 SCY3102 Sociology of religion SCY2131 SCY3131 Sociology of religion SCY2132 SCY3132 Sociology of youth SCY2121 SCY3121 Education, society and social change SCY2141 SCY3141 Sociology of education SCY2142 SCY3142 Sociological research techniques SCY2150 Industrial sociology SCY2161 SCY3161 Sociology of prisons SCY2181 SCY3181 Deviance and social control SCY2191 SCY3191 In search of normativity SCY2192 SCY3192 Sociology of ageing SCY2201 SCY3201 Sociology of ageing SCY2202 SCY3202 Gender and sociology SCY2210 A prominent social theorist SCY2221 SCY3221 A prominent social theorist SCY2222 SCY3222 Australian society: a developmental perspective SCY2230 Technology and society SCY2241 SCY3241 Sociology of childhood SCY2251 SCY3251 Social research methods SCY2261 SCY3261 Social research methods SCY2262 SCY3262 Sociology of popular music SCY2272 SCY3272 Sociology of health and illness SCY2282 SCY3282 Sociology: research practicum SCY3601 Sociology: research practicum SCY3602 The unconscious in social life: psychoanalytic and SCY3651 feminist perspectives Love, hate and death: the subterranean in social SCY3661 life Spanish Introductory Spanish IA SPN1010 Introductory Spanish IB SPN1020 Spanish language IA SPN1070 Spanish language IB SPN1080 Intermediate Spanish IA SPN2110 Intermediate Spanish IB SPN2120 Introduction to modern Spain SPN2130 Introduction to modern Latin America SPN2150 Spanish language IIA SPN2170 Spanish language IIB SPN2180 Individual option SPN2190 Advanced Spanish IA SPN3210 Advanced Spanish IB SPN3220 Spanish literature and society 1868-1936 SPN3230 Twentieth-century Spanish American literature SPN3250 Spanish language IIIA SPN3270 Spanish language IIIB SPN3280 Spanish linguistics in trading and communication SPN2290 SPN3290 Study abroad program SPN2310 SPN3310 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War SPN3430 Second language acquisition and attrition SPN2550 SPN3550 Nineteenth-century Spanish literature SPN3630 Contemporary Spanish fiction and film SPN3730 Women's writing in Latin America today SPN3780 Spanish American fiction since 1940 B SPN3850 Spanish for special purposes SPN3910 Individual option SPN3930 Language study abroad program SPN3990 Thai Beginning Thai, part 1 THA1110 Beginning Thai, part 2 THA1120 Intermediate Thai, part 1 THA1210 THA2210 Intermediate Thai, part 2 THA1220 THA2220 Advanced intermediate Thai, part 1 THA2310 THA3310 Advanced intermediate Thai, part 2 THA2320 THA3320 Specialised readings in Thai A THA3330 Specialised readings in Thai B THA3340 Thai for business communication A THA3350 Thai for business communication B THA3360 Advanced Thai, part 1 THA3410 Advanced Thai, part 2 THA3420 Advanced Thai, part 3 THA3510 Advanced Thai, part 4 THA3520 Language study abroad program THA3990 Thai studies Civilisation of Thailand THS2160 THS3160 Ukranian Introductory Ukrainian I/1B UKR1010 Literature and society in Kievan Rus UKR3010 Introductory Ukrainian I/2B UKR1020 The Ukrainian baroque UKR3020 Ukrainian studies I/1A UKR1070 Ukrainian studies II/1B UKR2070 Ukrainian studies I/2A UKR1080 Ukrainian studies II/2B UKR2080 Ukrainian language II/1A UKR2170 Ukrainian language II/2A UKR2180 Ukrainian literature II/1A UKR2270 Ukrainian literature II/2A UKR2280 Ukrainian studies III/1B UKR3270 Ukrainian studies III/2B UKR3280 Vietnamese Beginning Vietnamese, part 1 VTN1110 Beginning Vietnamese, part 2 VTN1120 Intermediate Vietnamese, part 1 VTN1210 VTN2210 Intermediate Vietnamese, part 2 VTN1220 VTN2220 Advanced intermediate Vietnamese, part 1 VTN1310 VTN2310 Advanced intermediate Vietnamese, part 2 VTN1320 VTN2320 Vietnamese for special purposes, part 1 VTN3330 Vietnamese for special purposes, part 2 VTN3340 Advanced intermediate Vietnamese, part 3 VTN2410 VTN3410 Advanced intermediate Vietnamese, part 4 VTN2420 VTN3420 Advanced Vietnamese, part 1 VTN1510 VTN3510 Advanced Vietnamese, part 2 VTN1520 VTN3520 Language study abroad program VTN3990 Visual arts Gender and genre: masculinity in film VSA3007 Contemporary visual culture VSA1010 Making art history VSA3010 Transformations of the visual VSA1020 Australian film and television VSA1040 Contemporary popular film VSA1050 European art 1900-1940 VSA2110 VSA3110 European and postwar art 1945 to the present VSA2130 VSA3130 The other side of the avant-garde: twentieth century VSA2150 VSA3150 woman's art history Forms of narrative cinema VSA2190 VSA3190 Alternative film and video VSA2220 VSA3220 Australian art: 1880s to the present VSA2230 Current architecture VSA2250 VSA3250 Australian architecture, 1788 to the present VSA2270 VSA3270 Modern architecture and urbanism 1907-1968 VSA2310 VSA3310 Screen production I VSA2390 History and theory of photography, part 1: 1839-1940 VSA2410 VSA3410 History and theory of photography part II: 1940 to VSA2430 VSA3430 the present Sixteenth-century studies VSA2510 VSA3510 Baroque art VSA2530 VSA3530 Italian medieval art VSA2550 VSA3550 Into the nineties VSA3570 French medieval art VSA2610 VSA3610 German cinema VSA3630 Asian cinema VSA2670 VSA3670 Alternatives in documentary film: an Australian VSA2710 VSA3710 focus Indonesian and Southeast Asian film and television VSA3750 Television studies VSA2770 VSA3770 The idea of Venice VSA2790 VSA3790 Women's studies Introduction to critical theory WMN2000 WMN3000 Sexed media, media-ted sex WMN3010 Freud and feminism WMN3050 Critical and literary theory WMN2060 Representations of women and gender in Australian WMN2110 society Race and sexual politics: feminist perspectives WMN2130 The woman's part WMN2220 WMN3220 Feminist philosophers WMN2230 WMN3230 Introduction to contemporary feminist theory WMN2240 WMN3240 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality WMN2260 WMN3260 Gender and its representations in Indonesian society WMN3290 and literature Women, gender and society WMN3310 Sociology of the family WMN3360 Contemporary moral problems WMN3370 Language, communication and the sexes WMN2380 WMN3380 Women in Roman society WMN2410 WMN3410 History of sexuality 1800 - present WMN2420 WMN3420 Contemporary women's fiction and theory WMN3550 Writing women WMN3570 Feminism cross-culturally WMN3630 Women and German writing WMN2750 WMN3750 Women in Latin American writing today WMN3780
Discipline First-year Second-year Third-year level level level subjects subjects subjects Applied statistics Contemporary data analysis MAT3740 Applied regression analysis I MAT3751 Applied regression analysis II MAT3752 Design and analysis of experiments I MAT3761 Design and analysis of experiments II MAT3762 Design and analysis of experiments III MAT3763 Applied multivariate data analysis II MAT3782 Robust and nonparametric methods MAT3790 Human biology Human biology 1: the human organism I HBS1345 Human biology 2: the human organism II HBS1355 Human biology 3: development and disease I HBS2345 Human biology 4: development and disease II HBS2355 Earth sciences Vertebrate life on planet earth ESC2031 Earth resources ESC2042 Sedimentation, stratigraphy and biostratigraphy ESC2081 Structural geology and tectonics ESC2091 Crystallography, optics and minerology ESC2101 Igneous, metamorphic and/or deposit geology ESC2112 Image processing in earth sciences GPS2012 Life science Ecology, environment and human populations LSC2031 Conservation biology LSC2042 Police studies Police organisations and practice PCE1010 Legal studies PCE1030 Law, society and public order PCE2010 PCE3010 Comparative policing PCE2020 PCE3030 Legal regulation and social relationships PCE2040 Police, politics and community PCE2050 Police studies PCE2210 Corporate crime and corruption PCE2230 Victimology PCE2270 Development of policing in Australia PCE3020 Research project PCE3040 Psychology Introduction to contemporary psychology I PSY2031 Advanced contemporary psychology I PSY3031 Introduction to contemporary psychology II PSY2042 Advanced contemporary psychology II PSY3042 Studio arts Studio painting I ART1010 Studio painting II ART1020 Studio drawing I ART1030 Studio drawing II ART1040
LAW2200 Torts 200
LAW3200 Constitutional law 300
LAW3300 Criminal law and procedure 300
LAW3400 Property 300
1.1 Any group of subjects within a discipline included in List A in which the second, third and fourth digits are identical, eg ENH2630 and ENH3630;
1.2 Any pair of subjects within a discipline included in List A in which the second digit is the same and the third digit in one subject is an odd number and in the other subject is the even number which follows that odd number, where these pairs of subjects were the pass and honours versions of the work at a particular level in a discipline;
1.3 Any subject included in List A (II) and a corresponding first, second or third-year level subject in the same discipline included in List D;
1.4 Any subject offered in the summer school and the corresponding subject or subjects included in List A (I);
1.5 Any pair of subjects which the faculty regards as having considerable duplication in course content.
Interdisciplinary honours programs which are programs run by a centre other than the Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies or by a department where the course of study involves subjects from various disciplines may also be undertaken in the following areas: American studies+; Asian languages and studies; classical studies; European studies+; religious studies+; romance languages; Slavic studies+; women's studies+.
+ offering of this honours program will be subject to the availability of staff and sufficient student interest. # offered by the Department of Psychology (Faculty of Science).